large weight at the very rear of the bus
So, I'm planning out a jacuzzi mod, but I only really want to do it if I can put it at the very rear of the bus and cut open the body so you are open to the air. My biggest concern is whether the frame can take the weight like that. I figure it'll effect the handling as well, but I don't really know how much. I know people put flat beds on the back of their buses. Anyone carry around 2 tons back there? A lesser worry is sloshing. I know this is the most turbulent spot but I'm not sure how that will affect the water. I have a 35 foot, 10 window International if that makes a difference. My rear axle is rated at 16000 lbs. As a side question, anyone have any idea what the weight distribution is on a normal bus? How much is front, and how much is rear.