Machine Shop Bus
Years ago I converted a 1965 Ford, 66 passenger school bus into a machine shop. I had the bus for 35 years. It was not a mobile machine shop, but a way of moving my "heavy hobby" from place to place. Recently Machinist's Workshop magazine asked me to do an article on it, and the article has just been published in the Feb./March 2019 issue of the magazine. It has a "Rod Bender" project on the cover. You normally find this magazine in some of your larger book/magazine stores. If you're into buses, but not necessarily living in them, it is an interesting article. Any questions about it you can certainly email me through this forum and then we can take the messages private. The bus was 29,500 lbs. (9,500 lbs overweight) and was powered by a Ford Medium Duty 330 engine, 160 HP, with a 5 speed trans, 2 speed rear end. When I finally retired (the bus retired too) we moved 20,000 lbs of tools out of it into a shop building. The article has pictures and some diagrams, nothing technical, just a photo log of what it looked like. Enjoy!
Mike Fendley, Maysville, Iowa