Hello all,
I tend to babble on here, so in short - We need a capable and reliable mechanic in Interior BC, anyone between Kelowna, Kamloops and Sicamous. Does anyone know one?
It's been a while since I posted on here. After about 18 months of work, we finished
work on our 1998 40ft Thomas pusher .
The build was an ordeal, as I'm sure a lot of people on here can testify. We finished up about 12 months ago. It's all converted, title changed etc. Our goal was to be full timing as of early this year. Obviously that hasn't gone to plan, but we're trying not to dwell on our first world problems too much.
We are currently located on the other side of the world to our bus, which has been problematic. After much stress, it's now safely parked under covered storage. A lot of our stress was relating to a VERY unreliable mechanic, I won't go into the full story. Despite promises over the past 12 months, there are still some outstanding things that we want to fix on our bus before Spring. We're hoping that things clear up a bit before that we'll be able to actually use the bus for it's intended purpose!
We had issues finding someone else to work on our bus, either because they didn't have the kit to deal with something of that size or because they didn't touch conversion projects.
We're looking for a mechanic in British Columbia around Kelowna, Kamloops and Sicamous (where the bus is in storage). We wanted to try to get someone lined up, potentially have them swing by the bus to have a look, order parts etc. Basically need someone to diagnose a fuel gauge problem and likely drop the tank to replace the sender*. And then a full service, to give us the best chance of getting on the road without any further hiccups (all being well with the virus).
Anyone know anyone? Thanks!
*Murphy's law in action - Spent a long time deciding whether to cover the fuel tank access or to cover it for a neater finish. Went with the latter after pressure from the Mrs. Then the fuel gauge started playing up.