Michigan Skoolies! What's on your title??
I'm in the midst of a battle with the Michigan Secretary of State's office (DMV) over several screw-ups on my bus titles and gross overcharging on my bus registration fees. Basically, they originally issued me a new title as a motorhome and a yearly $47 registration fee but later claimed I owed an additional $486 more (which would be a commercial rate). Four titles and three fee category changes later they essentially extorted the $496 from me in order to get renew my plates for this year. I paid up but I will not be letting this pass and am escalating this up to the head dogs at the SOS then up to my congressman and if need be up to the governor's office.
It would be very helpful if you Michigander Skoolies could tell me what FEE CATEGORY and what REGISTRATION FEE is listed on your titles assuming you've had your title changed to MOTORHOME.
I'll post up the entire story once I've written it up (and it will be a long read). Over the last 16 months I've dealt with 4 different counter persons who (presumably) called 4 different central office "experts" who issued 4 different titles with 4 different registration fees and 4 different fee categories. The incompetence there is STUNNING.