Mo.RV Conversion statutes Found!
Mo State Statutes: 12CSR-10-23.370
About 3rd page or section and 2nd paragraph.
The vehicle must contain
permanently installed independent life
support systems which meet the American
National Standards Institute/National Fire
Protection Association (ANSI/NFPA) 501C
Standard and provide at least four (4) of the
following facilities: cooking, refrigeration or
ice box, self-contained toilet, heating or air
conditioning, or both, a portable water supply
system including a faucet and sink, separate
one hundred ten to one hundred twentyfive
(110ó125)-volt electrical power supply
or a liquefied petroleum (LP) gas supply or
both. The basic types are specified as follows:
(A) Type A. A raw chassis upon which is:
built a driverís compartment and an entire
body which provides temporary living quarters
as previously defined;
(B) Type B. A completed van-type vehicle
which has been altered to provide temporary
living quarters as defined previously; and
(C) Type C. An incomplete vehicle upon
which is permanently attached a body
designed to provide temporary living quarter
Former owner of a 1969 F600 Skoolie.
1998 Ford B700 Thomas body 65 passenger. 5.9 Cummins 12 valve with MT643 Transmission 123,000 miles.