Need help regarding wheels and tires for a 66 Chevy Bus
I currently have split rims with tires that are on their last legs. I am wanting to upgrade to regular rims and I have a few questions:
1. Can I easily put new wheels and tires on there - i.e. will they just bolt on.
2. If I can just bolt them on, what types do you recommend?
3. Is it possible to go with a bigger tire size? We do most driving on the highway and I would like the extra few MPH's that would come with a larger tire.
4. Where do you recommend I get replacement tires and wheels? Is there anything wrong with a salvage yard?
66 Chevy Skoolie
Used for Tailgating to Kansas State University football games!
The seats are out (except for two facing each other) and replaced with matching couches.
7000 watt generator powering 2 6500 btu A/C's
Rebuilt 350 puts the power down.