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Old 12-12-2019, 01:12 AM   #1
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New to Skool

Hey Folks,
Ive been lurking in the skoolie society for a while making vague plans on Skoolie nation on facebook and just recently made an account here. I'm almost in a point where I can start earnestly saving for a bus and so I'm starting so really seriously search for answers to the questions I'm developing and how to make real the skilled labor that is necessary.

I weld full time in NE Ohio, so I'm not SOL when it comes to skilled labor and I have many skilled friends and colleagues, so actually I'm not to concerned with that. But I have been stumped by a few questions I've discovered. If you've got got the time, desire and have asked these questions and found good (or bad) answers, please please share them. If you have further questions that one might need to consider that'd be great too.

1. First things first, length of bus. I was thinking I wanted a big bus but i started to really watch a few skoolie channels and now I'm reconsidering. What bus size do you have? Pros/cons?
2. I live in a condo, not a lot of parking area and an HOA so I cant work on it here. I do have friends with land that I might ask to make use of during conversion, but if not that, where can I park it during conversion? Did you find some clever solution?
3. How do you get it home legally? Is there a special temp title/tag or something?
4. Likewise I've heard that insurance is a nightmare, but I've also seen some people link the individual agent who helped them get insured, if you have someone you'd like to recommend, please plug them here!
5. As i said I'm a welder by trade and have been metalworking for 3 years, I'm actually not daunted by the idea of designing and executing one. I like how they can change the aesthetic and visual appearance of your bus, and I theoretically like the increased space. What are some practical pros and cons of a roof raise?
6. Last question (for now). When your out on the road and living out of your skoolie, where do you park to I've seen that State and National campgrounds are popular, as are "KOA's", but I couldn't find what a KOA is on google. Would staying a national park be boondocking?
Thanks Folks, hope I didn't take too much of your time. Thanks for reading and input!

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Old 12-12-2019, 08:01 AM   #2
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Being a metal worker is wonderful for doing a roof riase if you choose and dealing with rust, but to do the conversion itself you have to be a handy man type jack of all trades.

Number 1, that depends on you. Just you, you and GF/BF kids dogs etc I have a 41ft and could full time travel but unless you have motorcycle or a car you could be limited on places to go and park. I wanted space above everything.

Number 2, Get a hold of your buddy, and park on their land. I was lucky I could do mine right at my house. Not anything clever there. You will need the space.

Number 3, Bought mine from a dealer, they gave me a temp tag. In Montana you are allowed to drive home with no plates if you just bought it and have a bill of sale. Otherwise call your DMV say hey I am buying a bus, can you give me a temp tag for it.

Number 4, To start get insurance for a non commercial bus, I had mine with progressive then, after you change your title to an RV, I have full coverage on mine via farm bureau

Number 5, Did not do one on mine, I am not tall enough to warrant one (6ft) mine is a high roof line bus to start with. Do some googling is it worth to you take the time and money and effort to gain a higher celling.

Number 6, KOA is Campgrounds Of America. Costly but I have heard they allow skoolies. The rest is a pretty loaded question, and is done many diff ways by many diff people. You live in your bus, and your tags and insurance and "home address" could be a mail forwarded place escapees I think it's called. if you want to be full time nomad. Boon docking is anyplace that you have no hookups, so some parks do or don't have hookups. BLM land is almost always boon docking. Parking is anyplace you fit and won't get told to leave and you feel safe, BLM land, trucks stops Walmarts cracker berrels city parks etc etc

Originally Posted by ArchaicArcs View Post
Hey Folks,
Ive been lurking in the skoolie society for a while making vague plans on Skoolie nation on facebook and just recently made an account here. I'm almost in a point where I can start earnestly saving for a bus and so I'm starting so really seriously search for answers to the questions I'm developing and how to make real the skilled labor that is necessary.

I weld full time in NE Ohio, so I'm not SOL when it comes to skilled labor and I have many skilled friends and colleagues, so actually I'm not to concerned with that. But I have been stumped by a few questions I've discovered. If you've got got the time, desire and have asked these questions and found good (or bad) answers, please please share them. If you have further questions that one might need to consider that'd be great too.

1. First things first, length of bus. I was thinking I wanted a big bus but i started to really watch a few skoolie channels and now I'm reconsidering. What bus size do you have? Pros/cons?

2. I live in a condo, not a lot of parking area and an HOA so I cant work on it here. I do have friends with land that I might ask to make use of during conversion, but if not that, where can I park it during conversion? Did you find some clever solution?

3. How do you get it home legally? Is there a special temp title/tag or something?

4. Likewise I've heard that insurance is a nightmare, but I've also seen some people link the individual agent who helped them get insured, if you have someone you'd like to recommend, please plug them here!

5. As i said I'm a welder by trade and have been metalworking for 3 years, I'm actually not daunted by the idea of designing and executing one. I like how they can change the aesthetic and visual appearance of your bus, and I theoretically like the increased space. What are some practical pros and cons of a roof raise?

6. Last question (for now). When your out on the road and living out of your skoolie, where do you park to I've seen that State and National campgrounds are popular, as are "KOA's", but I couldn't find what a KOA is on google. Would staying a national park be boondocking?
Thanks Folks, hope I didn't take too much of your time. Thanks for reading and input!
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Old 12-12-2019, 09:31 AM   #3
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Yeah, bus size is kinda like boats and motorcycles.
There is no bike that will do a good job touring and be your cafe racer. Same with boats, offshore fishing or booze cruising a lake? Some ppl have multiple boats/bikes/busses.

I have a 30’ bus and I don’t PLAN to tow a vehicle, only bicycles. If I go downtown somewhere for the day, I’m taking the bus. If I come out of a restaurant late and I’m parked legally, not in front of someone’s house, etc., I’m staying there for the night. Kinda like a van dweller would. Anyways, that’s the plan. Could change.[emoji848][emoji41]
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Old 12-12-2019, 09:43 AM   #4
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As far as finding the right size bus, we gotta know more info about you. If you're a single guy you'll get a different answer than a family of 9. And what is your planned usage? Full timing and weekend camping are vastly different.
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Old 12-12-2019, 02:40 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by brokedown View Post
As far as finding the right size bus, we gotta know more info about you. If you're a single guy you'll get a different answer than a family of 9. And what is your planned usage? Full timing and weekend camping are vastly different.
I'm a single male, 25 y I have a cat, shes a sweetie, and I guess its worth mentioning I'm quite the extrovert, I'll prolly want to host in whatever capacity I may. Ill be living out of it full time. Right now I'm working on my Aos, then I'll go for my BA. I figure once I start doing field work Id like to take and live out of my bus as much as possible. And even if the field scientist doesn't work out, Ill still live in it full time and travel to weld out of it. I guess my on need is for there to be enough room para mi gato. I'm thinking that would be idea to have a roof raise for extra storage and climbing area for her.
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Old 12-19-2019, 11:32 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ArchaicArcs View Post
I'm a single male, 25 y I have a cat, shes a sweetie, and I guess its worth mentioning I'm quite the extrovert, I'll prolly want to host in whatever capacity I may. Ill be living out of it full time. Right now I'm working on my Aos, then I'll go for my BA. I figure once I start doing field work Id like to take and live out of my bus as much as possible. And even if the field scientist doesn't work out, Ill still live in it full time and travel to weld out of it. I guess my on need is for there to be enough room para mi gato. I'm thinking that would be idea to have a roof raise for extra storage and climbing area for her.
Damn you really seem invested in this. Props to you for sticking to your plan, i would not be able to! Even on paper it sounds super difficult living such life, can't imagine how it is in reality
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