OK to permanently remove external handle for back door?
I was anticipating replacing the existing latch and handles on the back door with a keyed deadbolt arrangement, and pursuant to this I tried to remove the outside handle in a non-destructive fashion. I was unable to do this (I think they're pressure-fit in addition to being pinned with a screw - they really don't want those handles coming off in an emergency where rescuers need to be able to open the door) so I just cut if off wth my angle grinder (the join between the handle collar and the square handle post is barely detectable which is why they're basically impossible to get off).
I now realize that the inner handle and latch are exactly what I need, and since I won't be using this door for anything other than getting large things in and out of the bus and as an emergency exit, I don't actually need to be able to open the door from the outside. So I'm thinking of just sheeting over the handle opening completely on the outside (this opening was also leaking badly in my bus so I need to get rid of it one way or another).
Is there something I'm missing as to why I might actually want this door openable from the outside? I can still get out of it in an emergency since the inner latch will still be there, and as far as rescuers trying to get in that way I would usually keep it locked securely anyway so they'd have to force their way in no matter what.