I have seen the big rigs... I grew up in Oshkosh.. Did you take your bus out on Winnie? I drove down Hwy 151 yesterday and still alot of vehicles and shacks out there on the east shore and way way out towards the middle... for those of you not familiar with Lake Winnebago, google it.... It's HUGE!!! and I have driven across it from west to east and back... back in my younger days of course

I have not had the bus on the Ice. I would be interested in a link to the Corp of engineers data.
I was one of the shanties you saw though. I am a spearer.
I was on a construction job in the late 90's and I watched concrete trucks drive off of county A and go to that little Island off of the County park in Oshkosh on the West shore. they did not stop and they had a expediture/manager timing the runs out to the island.
The shore line is going to hell now, Maybe next year.
In regards to prepping for fishing your original Title, I was prepping the bus for a run to MO for a Rally race and I gelled up last tuesday, I was pissed, I was told the fuel was Blended when I filled up in NOV. It took an hour to get to a Gas station, I could only squeeze in 7 gallons of Gasoline but that and four bottles of Diesel treat did the trick. That snow storm on thursday forced me to switch to hte quigley van for the Trip but as I said earlier maybe next year.