Looks like contamination to me. What did you scrub with? I use a maroon scotch brite pad with dish soap and water, and scrub while I rinse, not just spray it off. You might have silicone contamination, which is VERY hard to eliminate. Also could be from the air hose, as was said previously. I agree with previous responses regards sandpaper, should be finer than 120, at least 220. The paint "bridges" over the coarse scratches. I think maroon scotch brites are about 320, that's why I like to wash with them. Not getting enough paint on is one thing, you can always change your spray technique, but contamination is the biggest problem here. Lacquer thinner will usually degrease well enough, but not if the problem is silicone. You said the rags were fresh out of the laundry- are they "shop towels"? Notorious for being contaminated, and you can't wash them enough to remove silicone. Also, wipe the air hose down with lacquer thinner. Painting outside? Lots of crap is on garage floors, brake fluid, antifreeze, etc. Outside, it's mostly just dirt, which is bad, but not a lot of CHEMICAL contamination at least. Let it dry, scrub it down REALLY GOOD again with a scotch brite, and try again.