I'll be parking my bus, basically permanently, and am wondering the best direction to face it. I assume that the best case is to park it facing the wind to have the least resistance. Would y'all suggest West or South? I'm in Texas near the DFW area.
I think I would consider heat from the summer sun. park facing east west and you limit the exposure of the sides of the bus from the sunlight.... if you put your bed facing to the east then you get early morning sunlight.. The roof is going to get light most all the time anyways.... and in the winter a east west facing bus, the south side will pick up sunlight all day. The north side will be in shade all day.
in a tornado it is not going to matter where the bus is pointed. still gonna be hot in that can in summer no matter what.
Looks like dominant wind direction for that area is from the S or SSE for 9 months of the year, so parking the bus N-S is probably your best bet for sun and wind.
Most years, I spend a week or two in a very windy location, and I have learned to park so the prevailing wind does not tear the door out of my hand when I open it (or slams it in my face), or makes it too difficult to close it.