Please lead me in the right direction
I'm new here and am seriously considering a Skoolie for my wife and I's next home as we travel all of North America/Canada/Alaska for 5 or 6 years.
I've considered a lot of options from converted Sprinters and Transits, converted cargo trailers and even a custom Class C build on a 4x4 cab chassis truck. I always seem to come back to the Skoolie.
I'd like a little help pointing me in the right direction. What I envision is a Skoolie is one that's not to short or long. Not too much sticking out behind the rear axle so that I can pull a toad(car) or cargo trailer with. Something that does well on unimproved BLM and National Forest Service dirt roads for boondocking. (read rutts, pot holes, 6" branches and rocks etc) I'd like it to be long enough for a Queen or King bed, a 3' x 5' wet bath, closet for 2 adults full time, kitchen, possible desk/work area for on line work and a sitting/couch area. We really like Fern the Bus but as already mentioned we need a wet bath.
I also read in another recent post about high altitude driving that I should consider a bus that has already been equipped for high altitude service. Perhaps from the area of the Rockies.
I'm also tall at 6'3" so it would have to be a higher roof version especially if I'm gonna add 3" or 4" of insulation in the roof and walls.
I have a few other questions but I'll write separate posts for each of those.
Thanks in advance.