Plumbing set up - tanks or no tanks?
Has anyone opted to not have a freshwater tank/greywater tank? For my setup, I plan on having a composting toilet so no need for a black tank. However, installing a complete plumbing system on my bus seems extremely daunting - I have no experience with plumbing whatsoever and every video I find has a different setup based on that person’s needs. I am not very confident in my ability to make the entire system leak proof and can repurpose/reassign that space in my design for more storage/something that better fits my needs.
I am fortunate enough to have an immediate spot with a water line to park my bus once it’s done/livable - on my parents property. I also have the luxury of not needing to dump greywater somewhere - the property is big enough to run drainage lines different ways to drain straght into the ground or water some plants (I made the transition long ago and already use all biodegradable/eco friendly hygeine and cleaning products).
So I’m wondering, would it be foolish of me to not install fresh and gray water tanks? I should add, I don’t plan on traveling a lot in this and when I do, I don’t plan on going to extremely remote places where there isn’t at least a campsite or a gym around. Should I try with smaller tanks so I can at least cook/clean some dishes if I’m on the road? Or is there another way I can go that doesn’t involve running pipes all over the place? (I also have no welding experience/no access to anyone who does to mount tanks up under the bus. I am a bit of a loss and there’s so much information on so many different ways to do this. I am confident in the rest of my skills (designing/building out the interior, I can more than likely figure out a solar system as electrical is pretty straightforward from what I’ve seen).
Lastly, if I decide to go with no tanks, I would assume that I would need to route the shore water connection through to the water heater to have hot water, correct?