Pre-Purchase Floor Planning for your Future Skoolie
We have all heard the expression "better to be safe than sorry." When you are planning out a floor plan for your future skoolie, you don't want to come to find out that you have a little extra space or not enough space for the floor plan you designed once you take purchase of your new bus. Kill two birds with one stone and have the floor plan you want and a good several feet of storage space. Let's say you are looking at a '97 Thomas Saf-T-Liner FVP EF that is 12 window lengths long. You have no idea what the exact interior dimensions are. You don't want to have too long or too short of a floor plan. Just take 10 window lengths from the front to design your floor plan and leave the extra two rear window lengths for storage space with access from the rear door. If you go little over 10 window lengths, no big deal! Still got at least 40 cubic feet of storage space behind your floor plan. Best of both worlds! Just my two cents on efficient interior design for longer size buses.