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Old 09-13-2017, 04:09 PM   #1
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"Professional conversion" - Insurance fun

Hello, all!

As I am investigating insurance options, I've come across a question a few times that seems to be on the minds of the insurance agents.

"Is this to be a professional conversion or one you are doing yourself?"

I can certainly see their point, but half of the fun of doing a Skoolie is the "doing" part. I was hoping to hear from you all as to whether or not you've ever had the opportunity to have a third party step in to review your modifications, sign off on them, and then allow the conversion efforts to be viewed as "professionally" executed.

So, anyone ever play this game? Thanks ahead of time!

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Old 09-13-2017, 04:38 PM   #2
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Many people define "Professional" as someone making a living from the work. One problem with telling insurance people it is a professional job is they might ask for receipts. Writing your own receipts could lead into a grey area of insurance fraud if you ever had to make a claim.

Just a thought on insurance.

I consider much of my work professional grade. Especially stuff I have done professionally in the past. I always thought "professional grade" and "professional" were different in one was employing the services of a professional and the other was someone with professional skills doing the work on their free time.

Just my 2cents
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Old 09-13-2017, 04:44 PM   #3
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In a similar vein, I've wondered several times what exactly constitutes a professional. If a person paid me to do their conversion, is theirs professionally done but mine done by myself is not? Do they just have a list of "known professional" coach builders, and any who haven't paid dues to be on the list aren't counted as professional? I can imagine the insurance companies not wanting to be in the business of handing out a list of approved professional converters because it could create the appearance of endorsement of those converters. But it'd sure be disappointing to pay somebody to do a conversion and then find out the insurance carrier deemed that person non-professional.
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Old 09-13-2017, 05:33 PM   #4
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These are exactly my thoughts! What makes a "professional"? Would someone going in to check off after my work who is an "expert" in the field count?

No easy answers, it seems. I've been holding off asking the insurance agencies, but I'll do so the next time. I'll fill everyone in on what I learn!
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Old 09-15-2017, 12:00 AM   #5
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Just say yes. You are a professional don't sell yourself short. We were covered by progressive for two years, they asked if it was professional and I said yes, nothing more.
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Old 09-15-2017, 12:19 AM   #6
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Having looked into this, generally a "professional conversion" refers to a company that is able to issue a new "Certificate of Origin" (or similar). In Georgia, this company must be registered much like a car dealership (and, in fact, uses the same forms). The new Certificate will usually list the original VIN, original date of manufacture, and the previously "finished bodywork builder" will now be something akin to an "intermediate manufacturer". The new "finished bodywork builder" will be the company issuing the new Certificate. Sound complicated enough?

That said, the company in question could (in theory, at least) inspect the finished vehicle, sign off and issue the new Certificate. The previous title *MUST* accompany this to the title office (and whatever other paperwork I am forgetting at the moment).
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