Originally Posted by jimmyaustintx
When I put my deck on it will be with bleachers that a school has replaced, I have a source in Houston so when the time comes I hope he still has them maybe by summers end I will make the trip and call before I go since he can make more selling it for scrap
Aluminum bleacher seat sections would be perfect! Sadly I have no connections that would have them.
Originally Posted by jimmyaustintx
you put a lot of money on your deck and it looks like you do not drive it that much so why the change...
That's a good question. One reason is that I'll be towing a motorycle trailer next time I move, which I have not done before, and I'd like to lose some weight elsewhere to make up for it. Another reason is that I worry about the weight of the deck so far up, and given my relatively short wheelbase, I worry about stability if I should ever have to do an evasive maneuver or find myself too fast for a corner. These aren't really GREAT reasons, but they're what I've got!
Thanks for the feedback so far.