Roof raise on grass/leveling
So I just bought a 2010 Blue Bird Vision and the only place I have accessible to build in is right in front of my house. I checked with the pocal PD and they assured me it was totally legal, and my neighbors have all said it's fine, so I'm not worried about that, but the way my yard is I can fit all but one corner on pavement, and one corner will have to be on the grass. Since I am thinking about doing a roof raise I'm trying to figure out if I can put down a sheet of steel or some 4x4s or something in order to makeshift some stable ground to support jacking/cribbing that corner to get the bus level. Is it better to have a front tire on the grass for less surface area or better for the back tires because they are larger, with two tires, and I'm guessing hold less weight than the front with the engine right over it.
I'm also pretty unclear on the process for jacking/cribbing in general. How important is leveling the bus, anyone have recommendations of good jacks? What's the best method for cribbing? Any insight would be helpful!
Excited to start this! Thanks!