Originally Posted by nikitis
Do it on a day when humidity is low
Also, follow the directions on the bottle. If you've got questions on the particular product, DON'T BE AFRAID TO CALL THE MANUFACTURER. Most of these kinds of products are still made in civilized places, unlike most of the stuff sold via Amazon, and they take pride in their products, and they want people to have good results with them. You can actually call them up and ask them questions on how to best apply or use the product, and they are almost always happy to help someone out like that. And if they aren't... Well, perhaps you should take the product back and use something else made by a different company.
I cannot recall the number of times I've done something like this, and liquid chemical products that have to be applied in a certain way are actually some of the best I've ever had with answering questions. And I'm also the kind of guy that will look them in the face and ask things like, "so I don't have a HPLV spray gun system here where the work is happening, if I get one of those little pneumatic bug-poison spray bottles fresh and clean from the store, do you think that would work better than using a brush?" There's usually some kind of crazy engineer answering those kinds of questions at the shops that will give you a straight answer.