First post! Here goes nothing.
I've always been interested in converting a bus for mobile use and minimalist living. As such, I am in the planning stages of my Skoolie conversion, but I have a few big concerns:
1. Height. I am 6 foot 3, and almost every school bus or conversion I've stepped into had me looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame to move around. Its been a pretty discouraging search to find a bus that's in good shape, nearby, AND livable (A ceiling raise is unfortunately outside my budget and expertise).
Transit buses sound great for height concerns, but they seem to be far harder to find online, are less affordable, and there are far fewer instructional resources on how to convert them. Additionally, their (usually) low ground clearance means a transit bus wouldn't be able to go on roads a skoolie could, and would have limited options to mount upgrades on the undercarriage.
Does anyone know of any resources for tall-like school buses, specifically? What am I missing? Any guidance would be appreciated.
I am located near Seattle, WA.
2. Wall framing. Between my family, friends, and my own meager collection, I have all the tools I will likely need for a simple conversion. I have a friend in the trades who can teach me wiring and plumbing basics (as well as make sure I dont electrocute myself), and I have an affordable place to park the bus while I convert it.
But the truth is wall framing on a curved ceiling
really intimidates me, and I haven't been able to find many specific resources or How-Too's on Youtube (plenty of Vlog's though). I've learned a little from what shaky-cam I could, and from wall framing instructional videos for conventional houses, but I am far from comfortable.
Does anyone know of a good guide I could look at? Or have an idea of where I could learn in person?
3. Salvage Resources. I am always on the lookout for new sources of secondhand materials, as I hope to reclaim quality furniture for use in the skoolie rather than building most of the surfaces myself. This is both because I am a novice woodworker, and because I really like the concept and aesthetic of minimal impact.
I have my eye on every thrift store nearby, Second Use (salvage yard in Seattle), Home Depot for scraps, and garage sales, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any unconventional sources I haven't thought of.
Tips on quality sources of affordable wood for interior use would be especially great. I will buy if I have to, but my Bachelors tuition really wiped me out.
Glad to join the Skoolie community!