Although I haven't done much to it lately. I've been pretty busy with work lately. I haven't done anything major to my bus since January or so. Just cleaning and little jobs on it. My mom moved in May, and since the bus is currently empty inside, it made a fantastic moving vehicle!

Anyways, I didn't forget about you guys. My squadron is gearing up for a deployment to the Middle East. I'm not going on the deployment, but I've got to swap a jet out every two weeks. So, I'll be flying jets back and forth from Oklahoma to the United Arab Emirates every two weeks for the next four months.

Assuming the jet doesn't break down, it takes about a week to do. After that, I actually have to deploy with another squadron and stay there for another four months and fly missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fun stuff. I swear, my bus is never going to get finished! One good thing though, is that when I get back, I should have a good chunk of money saved up, and I'm going to get this thing done finally! With the diesel prices lately, I've kind of rethought my bus a bit. It's just too expensive to drive on long hauls on a regular basis. I'll probably just camp around Oklahoma in it. Go to dirt bike races and such. I was planning to convert it to run on veggie oil, but it seems now, that places are wanting to charge me to take their oil.

Not everywhere, but I asked a local restaurant, and they wanted 50 cents a gallon.

I'd imagine that this is a trend that will only get more expensive with the current energy situation in this country. I've also thought about selling my bus as it is now, and buying a short bus with a Chevy 350 in it or something. But I've already put way too much work into it now. Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that I didn't fall off the face of the earth. Not yet anyways. It sure looks like this site has picked up a lot lately!