06-29-2020, 11:37 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 98
Pictures look
06-30-2020, 12:09 AM
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 98
The hurricane hinges so far
I would love to see a picture window above the windshield, but probably put a cabinet/bunk up there
Full size fridge, gas range, bathroom box.
Gonna put the washer and dryer next to the fridge, countertop on them.
Need to hook up the water heater, put in my 110 gallon 747 tank, install sink, raise the walls on the bathroom stall to meet the roof again
Or, there's the option to leave the bathroom box as is and put a roof over the box, use as storage.
my dearest Dahlia
Jet shower head intended to maximize low flow performance
And the "Seat" built into the shower, above the wheel well. As pointed out by the previous owner, there is a huge amount of space inside the wheel well above the tires and very rigid suspension. He suggested the other night that I cut apart the toilet and mount the guts of it in a hole in that seat box.
I am So Close to something decent yet I'm still living under a tarp with lights and a fridge. Lolol.
And I NEED BAD a fresh rear crown that hasn't been destroyed. I'm so not excited to put it together with the fubarred sheet metal back there
06-30-2020, 12:18 AM
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 98
I'm gonna try to put together the front first, as there is no ruined sheet metal holding me back on that end.
Tomorrow I'm gonna shoot for the fixed wall sections behind the shower, at the door, and if I'm lucky above the windshield and front side windows. Install the door. But still not much for walls just yet. Soon. I have the materials.
May move my couch to the front and the junk to the back shortly.
06-30-2020, 02:05 AM
Bus Geek
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Thank you for posting the pictures. They help me visualize. I was imagining you were trying to have the entire side of the bus swing up. Are you planning to be able to swing up each section inependent of the others?
I do not envy you living in the bus while building it. Everything is always in the way!
How much has the roof been raised?
06-30-2020, 05:54 AM
Bus Crazy
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Originally Posted by Birdhouse
The roof is up on inch by 1.5 tube stock held in by nine 1/4 inch rivets at both ends, except for some weird places where the hat channel was previously removed, did what I could and called it good.
I've discovered that the 4 post lift resulted in a slight hotdog formation of the roof. A variation of about 1/2 inch. If I had known about it before all of the supports were riveted I might have been able to straigten things out but it is what it is. I'm not horribly worried about it.
Like a house, I've never seen one of those that was perfectly straight either. Luckily I was not banking on using the full 48 width of the sheetmetal. I'm going to have to rip it. Will have 1 inch overlap top and bottom, the hinge will hide the cut. Just need to make a lot of measurements and make sure I do it right.
I got one wall of hinges cut to fit into the situation and temporarily tacked into place with some clecos. The new Drexel EZ-Lock wheels are a godsend.
It's gonna work great. Gonna hang the sheetmetal from the hinges, slip some 1inch angle on either side of each upright for rigidity and to provide something to attach wood to. And a long section of angle across the bottom on the outside to keep the whole thing straight and act as a bit of a rain gutter.
It's time to go pick up the fresh sheetmetal. Of course I had them split 8 sheets last time. Should have split 1 sheet and 10 whole. Thinking to reuse the original scrap metal that was on the sides of this thing got me in a pile of hurt. Even to use all the split sheets and throw away the old would have been a scabbed up $h!tfest. Of course my logic was severely shaded by my finances, even trying to cheap out, I bounced the account last time. This project has not been cheap. Lol.
I am having a hard time visualizing your plan. If you are not going to install any sheet metal fastened to the hat channel on the sides, how are you going to stop the racking forces front to rear? Racking is a term used to describe what happens when a rectangle starts to become a parallelogram and the building starts to fall down.
06-30-2020, 10:31 PM
Bus Crazy
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I love the idea of what you're going for -- hope this works out!
Where in the woods are you? (I like trying to tell where somebody is by the vegetation but there's not enough for me in your pix to make a guess)
Is the bus running or is that its permanent home?
"I'm going to get it all put together then spray the sealing surfaces of the walls with release agent, slather sealant all over the openings on the bus, slap them closed and lightly set the latches."
If you're not familiar with the "release agent" I'd try it on something unimportant first -- I'd hate to hear you B-sealed your bus together...
I'm thinking if you let the sealant get a surface cure before closing the windows against the openings and maybe coat the windows with PET (vaseline ) to be ****-sure they don't get glued shut -- I get paranoid about these things...
06-30-2020, 10:35 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 98
Yeah I know, this racking phenomenon
I know the skin imparts a surprising amount of strength to a structure. And that I will not get that.
There will be closed sections for about 8 feet on both sides, just ahead of the rear wheels.
Would be a dandy idea to put some diagonal bracing in that section,
I'll put some in the front above the drivers side windows, there's about 3 feet of space up there.
A little lateral in the front and rear and it should be OK aye
06-30-2020, 10:58 PM
Almost There
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Posts: 98
The roof went up "rOugHlY" 22 inches.
It did ever so slight of a hotdog on me. A couple corners are a titch high and the middle on the right side a titch low.... about 1/2 inch in places...
There will be 4 swinging sections. Both sides forward and aft of the door/shower.
If I could have professional grade materials and an engineer, it might have been cool to swing each little section between the posts, but there's no way I could ever make it quit leaking. It's gonna be tough enough as is. I'm going to rivet and seal down a section of angle iron immediately ahead of the leading edge of each swinging section to keep the wind and water out if I'm ever driving in the weather.
Individual flappy parts would have been handy for its present location. It has several trees less than 2 feet away on both sides. Will limit the swinging potential drastically.
Yeah all the junk in it blows the donkey. It is good to stay alert and be nimble. The area behind driver's seat is the worst right now. It's a significant heap of hell
It's parked about 10 feet past the treeline beyond my coworker's back yard in Oscoda Michigan
Definitely not it's final resting place. No way in hell I'd go through all this trouble with something that was dead.
Has an 8.2 Detroit.
I know it's not the world's favorite engine but it appears to have a clean bill of health. Clean green full coolant, starts on the first heartbeat of cranking when it's not terrible cold out. This is without glow plugs, and having sat for a couple of months.
Spicer 5 speed. She's a righteous b!tch to drive but she's solid. Better than that AT545 for sure. 2 speed rear end is nice too.
06-30-2020, 11:04 PM
Almost There
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Posts: 98
Oh yeah!
I finally started working on the skin today.
As it turns out, this "historic piece of steel" was a mistake. I needed to wrap it around the front a bit to close the gap to something less than 8 feet.
Got a new chunk of steel cut and drilled off of the old one, ready to slap her in. Managed to get the top edges tucked in nice behind the bottom edges of the cut line, so I'm not solely dependent upon the integrity of the sealant to prevent a massive leak. Like shingles.
06-30-2020, 11:30 PM
Bus Crazy
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Oscoda -- googled it -- you is out there!
One of my first construction jobs I used to drive a '63 Loadstar 1600 4sp with the 2sp axle. It was actually nice driving truck -- the split shift with the axle is it's own zen thing...
You are using some kinda heavy duty cleco I'm not familiar with -- wondering if I should be jealous...?
Even though you're getting the new skin under the roof "like shingles" you still want a good bead of sealant up there when you slide the metal in. Standing still the water runs mostly straight down -- once you're driving 60mph the waters mostly going sideways into the seam!
07-01-2020, 07:14 AM
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 98
Ha yes I is out there.
Yeah gracefully shifting this rig is a zen thing I'm not quite zen at yet but better than when I first climbed in. The biggest thing was to realize that 1st is useless on the road. Only good for crawling around the yard. It's such a low ratio that by the time you yank it into any other gear (I kept hitting 4, lol) it rolls to a literal stop. 2nd is more than adequate for getting going and will hit enough speed to find another gear.
Heavy duty cleco?
Hardly. Just a basic spring style. There's the ones with nuts and the cylindrical driven ones that are extra fancy. I don't got nothing like that. Just these cheap ones are expensive enough. Lol and a bunch of them are bent from kissing a #@! $>%& tree on the way into its spot. Luckily all I killed was a shark bite water valve and a couple of marker light lenses and bent some clecos. I Will be killing a tree before I move it out.
Oh yeah don't worry I'll goop it I just don't like scoops for water to try to get in if the sealant isn't 100%.
Luckily it's B2 sealant gives a Lot more working time than B1/2. Will be much less waste. Hopefully it doesn't just run down the wall.
07-01-2020, 11:11 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 98
Well holy flaming Jesus, Banman
I got my gas range hooked up and converted to propane.
Well, kinda.
The top works great.
The oven,
Errr, better call an exorcist. Satan moved in.
I followed the instructions that were screwed to the back of the oven.
Perhaps it actually needs a different jet in the oven (instructions said there was no need. Just change some adjustments )
Perhaps it's the plastic pin-puck that belongs in the regulator that seems to be missing
Whatever the cause it was barfing flame, like 6 inches into the oven. It is supposed to have a 1 inch flame on either side of the tube. The 30,000 btu oven became like 3,ooo,ooo.
Oh and there were 5 bottles of Dirty Bastard beer in there. It's a wonder they didn't blow. That would have been exciting.
Of course sears is defunct now right? Good luck getting support?
07-01-2020, 11:36 PM
Bus Crazy
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Rated Cap: 71 passenger 30,000 gvwr
Originally Posted by Birdhouse
Well holy flaming Jesus, Banman
I got my gas range hooked up and converted to propane.
Well, kinda.
The top works great.
The oven,
Errr, better call an exorcist. Satan moved in.
I followed the instructions that were screwed to the back of the oven.
Perhaps it actually needs a different jet in the oven (instructions said there was no need. Just change some adjustments )
Perhaps it's the plastic pin-puck that belongs in the regulator that seems to be missing
Whatever the cause it was barfing flame, like 6 inches into the oven. It is supposed to have a 1 inch flame on either side of the tube. The 30,000 btu oven became like 3,ooo,ooo.
Oh and there were 5 bottles of Dirty Bastard beer in there. It's a wonder they didn't blow. That would have been exciting.
Of course sears is defunct now right? Good luck getting support?
Oooh, last time I converted a range I lived in Divide, CO 9300' elevation -- the burners worked great 'cause the jets were just plug and play. Adjusting the air opening on the oven burner tube I never could get right -- got it down to a blue flame but it smelled gassy... It's okay -- I never figured out how to bake at that elevation either so it didn't much matter...
As to the cleco's -- a trick of the pic -- they just didn't look standard...
07-02-2020, 07:13 AM
Bus Geek
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Originally Posted by Birdhouse
Of course sears is defunct now right? Good luck getting support?
Sears is still around. My parents keep buying appliances from them, and even now after the bankruptcy they want to hire them to renovate their kitchen, despite my begging them not to (Sears quoted 13 grand just for the countertops alone - contractors and old people around here are like piranhas and raw meat). It's amazing the hold that brand names have on people in our society, even many decades after the brand meant anything.
07-02-2020, 11:14 AM
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 98
The sears contractor thing, freaking ridiculous.
Next, get a quote from Anderson windows.
They want something like 6k or more just for a sliding glass door.
Well if the issue is the pin puck in the regulator, I hope it can be gotten elsewhere. Website only breaks it down as far as the regulator and wants $80.
Freaking used junk. Looked nice. Allegedly worked great on gas. Had been used on propane before but somebody butchered a conversion process.
07-02-2020, 11:25 AM
Bus Crazy
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Rated Cap: 71 passenger 30,000 gvwr
Originally Posted by Birdhouse
The sears contractor thing, freaking ridiculous.
Next, get a quote from Anderson windows.
They want something like 6k or more just for a sliding glass door.
Well if the issue is the pin puck in the regulator, I hope it can be gotten elsewhere. Website only breaks it down as far as the regulator and wants $80.
Freaking used junk. Looked nice. Allegedly worked great on gas. Had been used on propane before but somebody butchered a conversion process.
You got skilz -- figure out what pressure the regulator is supposed to put out to the range. Then find a new regulator to match. Then make the plumbing fit. Soapy water to ensure no leaks -- but you should do that anyway...
07-03-2020, 08:26 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 98
Oh yeah and while I'm at it I should just throw it away and build a cool stove
Yeah I could probably do a lot of things
I just want the bloody thing to work and I don't wanna Frankenstein the oven.
I'm in a funk.
Things were going great until I smoked the last drill bit. Tried to cook up a few in the drill doctor.
For some reason I Can Hardly Make It Produce aNYTHING sensible. And for some reason my bleeding phone freaks out and does that crap to me. I don't feel like fighting with it. My phone is dying a miserable slow death of obsolescence and garbage batteries. There's another phone that should have been here weeks ago but of course it's some no name "awesome specs" that shipped straight from China and has allegedly been sitting at a usps shipping partner facility for 2 weeks. Meanwhile the company that sold it looks like they folded.
Just random crap is making my life crap.
Besides that it's all dandy.
I finally got some water hooked up.
The water heater is out, and no tank yet so I just get the luck of the draw on whatever is in the hose. Last night it was rather cold. Today it was Hot. Even with a white hose. 250 feet of hose equates to a pretty decent shower before it went cold. Of course I was sweating to death and couldn't wait for it to go cold
Still ever so little. It's progressing horribly slowly. Every body dances around saying they want to help. The demanding man-child whose yard im in loves asking for help (sometimes straight up demands it) and I drop everything and go help spend half the night fixing his dirt bikes and stuff. I ask for help? Forget it. Best I ever actually got was 10 minutes to move the oven and fridge.
I love it. He was literally in preschool when I was graduating high school, and he loves barking demands at me like our a$$hole boss. Learning from the worst.
Of course my incredibly complex plan for the walls is going to need a lot of help. Joy.
Who wants to come out here and help a guy?
At this rate I'll still be living (dying.) Under a tarp when winter comes back.
Lucky too, this thing keeps me real broke. I'm shocked at how much cash is getting sucked into it for so little apparent progress. I have a feeling I will not want to know how much winds up going into it.
I should get some sleep probably and get back at it early. Kick my funk.
My boss told me I need to go float the river on a tube this weekend and try to find a girl. Gonna take lots of liquor. Yeah thanks. I know it's true though. I need a solid woman in my life. The problem is simply being anywhere near me is going to ruin her life. Like I'm that hot of a mess right now. Flaming dumpster fire.
I need someone so bad I'm ready to claw my eyes out, yet have found a terrible resignation notice at the helm. Really makes me wonder why I keep waking up every day. What is it that's worth going to my miserable job for. And that's about all I live for right now. That and beating on this heap of junk. My sweet dahlia is about the only thing keeping me even a little grounded. Even she is presenting me with bull $hit problems. Has started climbing out of the dog fence. Blind panic ensues with the radio fencer. A hole neighbors won't take her in. I have to leave her tied to a stake. Yesterday she dropped her collar and landed in dog jail. Lucky they didn't charge.
Just everything is blah right now
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