Hello out there my situation here in OK City has gotten a bit better fellow Skoolie Kendar helped me out a little.And now that a late winter blizzard has passed .
Up side to wintering out such a blizzard in a Skoolie without heat (17 degrees sun morn 03/21/10 in the bus)at least now I know what has to be done to winterrize it better.The wind was blowing so hard I had to sweep the snow out of the bus sat night it was blowing in around the cracks of the windows.I have a kerosene heater now,a little late it's supossed to reach 70 today,o well a least I'll have heat if I need it.
Looking for some work now so I can get back to Tenn.
The tire problem is better so now also ,I can drive it. The 2nd madien Voyage trial run went good still have 2 bad tires that flatspotted from sitting (all 4 tires in rear at first) but now it's just a vibration over 40mph not a thump thump so that things were jumping 2 inches off the floor.
Will write a story later with pictures of my Skollie retrieval adventure.
Hello Please Please I"m stuck I need Some emergency local Help here in Oklahoma City (NO Money needed)please send your phone number so I can call and explane
paul.nolz@att.net or leave a message on my voice mail it is now Sat. 03/13/10
Thanks Paul Nolz
PS you could also leave a message ay the YMCA in Bethany 789-0231 for Paul Nolz the man with the motorcyle they will know who this is also maybe at the Bethany Library also the same message they have got to know me well.