Utah - where to buy a bus
Been lurking for a while and I think it is finally time - We have about 6k saved up plus a budget of about $1000 a month to work on our conversion. In searching the internet for buses to buy I see alot of forum posts of people getting theirs for less than $5000 but I cannot seem to find any at all less than $6000 and most of these have miles above 450k or need transmission replacements or other major repairs. I even called two nearby schools to ask who handled their buses, I was forwarded to another number for each and the first was not even selling any buses and the second wanted well above $18k for any of theirs.
I am wondering what I am doing wrong here :P I am very mechanically inclined and I would be okay getting a bus in need of an engine swap or major repair but not if it costs 5x what its worth.
Any tips on who to call? where to shop? I am in northern Utah but I regularly travel down to st-george so that is not a problem.