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Old 03-26-2019, 07:31 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Utility Closet

I don't understand why for skoolie builders, easy access to the RV systems & utilties is an afterthought!

Imagine a ventalated space, insulated & sealed from interior living space but in the envelope of your bus build, accessible inside and out via access panels, hatches and doors.

Introducing the Utility Closet! Implement or retrofit a Utility Closet to allow you Easy access inside and out to your dirty tools you dont want inside, shore utility connections, generator, electrical, plumbing, propane, HVAC, propane distribution systems AND MORE.

It's a interior, secure space vented to the outside where if designed right you can safely run a portable generator, pipe a propane furnaces exhaust, store propane tanks inside, mount window air conditioners without having them visible outside the bus, vent dryer exhaust, put the condensor of a mini-split, vent the grey & blackwater tank, store stinking compost, vent the trash can, dry out your musky shoes, house easy access shore connections, easy access pumps, easy access plumbing tees, easy access propane tees, easy access on demand water heater and anything else that needs to be ventalated and easy access when it has a problem. If you plan it out well, the utility closet takes a mid-ship footprint 2-3 feet deep and three windows long.

You could have a second utility closet on the other side for fresh air intake for vent fans, evaporative coolers system, air drying clothes, and if you have a floating floor or a couple extra inches in the ceiling you can build a forced air channel to help the venting in the right-side utility closet. The intake utility closet doesn't have to be deep depending on how you're using it / what you're installing. If you just want ventalation, some clothes drying and enough space for a wall mount evaporative cooler you can have it be as little as 1' deep and two windows long.

Perfect for those wanting a clean look on the outside of their rig, and those that are tired of crawling and contorting to work in hard to reach places in confined spaces!

Plan your Utility Closet Today!

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Old 03-26-2019, 08:37 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2018
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Already in my plans. Will house a propane manifold, PEX manifolds for water, water pump, inverter, load center and vents for grey water tank.
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Old 03-26-2019, 08:49 PM   #3
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How small of space can all that fit into? I'm still trying to figure out where to hide all that in the room I don't have.
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appliance, debit.servus, electrical, plumbing, utility closet

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