You are doing a very nice job with your Crown. Those were such nice buses to drive, I always look for an excuse to drive my son's Crown. They were hand built with such care and good engineering. It looks like you are following the pattern. I rode to school every day on a Crown super coach. It was a shame I lived so close to the school.
If you are worried about safety in a collision, remember in a transit / type D bus the bus driver is the first person to the wreck.

Therefore 800 pounds of water flying forward may be a moot point. I looked for baffled tanks when I did my bus and could not find them so I used smaller tanks and interconnected them for the volume I needed. It was a PITA but it did work. I have 60 gallons on the inside that won't freeze and 90 gallons in the insulated baggage bays that remain empty unless I am in weather that won't freeze real hard or where water is hard to get. It is on a pump that supplies the inside tanks. I know over complicated.