I'm having some trouble with my brake lights not working on my skoolie that is almost complete. But I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not even sure which light should be the brake light. Here's the functionality I'm getting now:
Upper red lights: Children crossing
Upper yellow lights: Nothing
Lower red lights: Turn signals (unexpected!)
Lower yellow lights: Parking lights (unexpected!)
This is not what I would have expected. I would have expected the lower yellow to be turn signals and the lower red to be both brake and tail lights. Perhaps the previous owner miswired something?
Right now, when I press on the brake, nothing happens. The fuse is good, and when I put a volt meter on the fuse while pressing the brake, I get 12V.
I've included a photo below. Can anyone help me understand this a little better? Which light is actually supposed to be for the brake? Thank you!!