I have been come to the point of my conversion where I am about ready to replace or reseal the windows. I am thinking that the windows may need to come out (at least temporarily) to get the metal interior wall panels out. I had originally planned on keeping most of the windows (with the exception of the ones in the bathroom). Does anyone have anyone have any experience/how-tos on replacing windows with RV windows or replacing them with paneling all together? Is it possible to replace the bus windows with RV windows or wall panels without welding? I don't really have the skills/equipment to do the welding myself so that seems to be the biggest constraint. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The windows are fairly easy to remove and replace. By time you're on your third window you'll be getting fast at it.
People do use RV windows. There are double and triple pain windows that are used to help control temperature extremes. Generally speaking they are not the same size as bus windows so a frame needs to be welded to the right size to hold the window. If they were the same size as bus windows they'd just look like more bus windows.
This is a good stage to be at in your build. It feels like you've done something, doesn't it?