I did a search and saw where someone had suggested steel wool in the exhaust pipe... WHY??
That's easy - rodents trying to get out of the weather and make a home to store their goodies don't want to chew through it. You don't want to start up in the spring with a muffler full of hay and nuts. (I found maple seeds and bird feeder spillings inside the cover of my under-hood fuse box yesterday.)
I'd never heard the exhaust pipe use, but we have used steel wool to keep critters from following antenna cables into radio shelters. The will eat plastic, rubber, etc, but apparently don't like to chew on metal.
Another choice might be aluminum wool like pot scrubbers from the grocery store, since steel wool rusts and burns more easily.
Dryer sheets around the interior... WHY??
Don't know this one, but I assume it's the same - they might hate the smell.