Ha uall,,just let this guy be a hardhead and rise his roof,wood or metal it sound like he going to do do it anyway.,so when he going down the road at 60 mph and the roof blows off,i hope the hell am not around anywhere...
Many coaches raise the roof, and i saw a 40' skoolie fuel up in salem that raised his roof at least 24". The main thing is to extend the existing uprights and brace it correctly. While you are at it, put in a couple of slides...
Jesus Christ... Conversion in progress.
i have thomas bus. they are built with a body on the truck frame like any other skoolie. No different when ya take panels off and re weld the framework as you go.
Jesus Christ... Conversion in progress.
Many of us turned away from sticks and staples for the added strength of an all metal structure. While it is possible to make structural changes with wood, it is a step back from the intregrity provided by metal. While wood does enhance the "homey" feel of a bus, I have seen some very clever wood over metal applications that also have that "homey" feel. A properly maintained and driven wood bodied vehicle can give good service as long as it is not subject to a high speed crash or roll over--it WILL fare badly under those conditions. Of course I don't always practice what I preach because I drive a woodie (structurally of wood) at high speeds on the freeway (while the little devil sitting on my shoulder whispers "Oh go ahead its so cool")! Just my 2 cents worth.