1998 Prevost H45 in Kentucky
I bought my Prevost six years ago with the intention of converting it. But, serious health problems along with other obstacles in my life have stagnated my project. I feel like it's time to let this bus go.
I found that my carpentry skills were very poor and so, I have sort of made a mess of the conversion compared to some of the beautiful work that is shown on this forum. I honestly think that it would be best to completely gut the bus and begin again.
I have the bus licensed through an LLC in Montana and so, the tag is permanent. If I'm correct, all we have to do is switch ownership of the LLC.
The bus was driven into its present parking spot five years ago. In the time since, the fuel has spoiled and the bus won't fire up. So, any potential buyer would likely need to know how to drain the fuel, clean the lines, filters and injectors and then have some fresh fuel put in. I have no doubt that it would fire then because it will most certainly come to life now on ether.
The bus has a Detroit engine and an Allison five speed trans but I don't know what the model numbers are. There is also a compression brake. Beyond
that, I do not know what it will need.
The odometer is currently showing 168,000ish miles but I don't know if that's accurate or not.
More than anything, this bus needs a really good cleaning and I will be doing that over the next week or so.
As soon as I can get down to the bus, I will take some photos and have them posted here so that everyone can take a look.
I'm going to ask $6000. ...and YES, that is the bus that is in my avatar.
Isn't it amazing!! The person that never has the fortitude to pursue his own dreams, will be the first to try and discourage you from pursuing yours.