In hard economic times lots of us need to sell. Fortunately, I've saved a few dollars and want to buy. I'm looking for a converted/partically converted, Skoolie that is in great mechanical condition with reasonable mileage. Little or no rust. Prefer flat nose, pusher, but will consider all. Prefer already painted something other than yellow. Prefer belly storage. Prefer A/T and air brakes. Ideally, the bus your selling is well insulated, wired and plumbed. I would especially like to find a WVO conversion and something with some solar panels (but, this is something I can do later). The primary condition is that it is a strong runner with lots of life left and no immediate concern for mechanical repairs, no roof leaks, A/T, good tires and already painted. I'm no mechanic,but can finish all interior work.
Here's the other factor that might make or break the deal: I'm in Pinetop, Arizona and probably would not be inclined to travel very far to pick up your conversion (I'm suggesting that you deliver it to me). Reasonably priced. Will consider all.