In the first two weeks of January 2020, we had two dozen buses come through our listings, and I'm wondering if there was a seasonal impetus to this bump. Everybody knows about the School District Retirement season (May-September). I know that after Burning Man (Late September, Early October), there is a bump in skoolies for sale because burners think this is their last year. Do you know of any other times of the year where there is a small surge of bus listings, more than usual? ("tax bill due", "spring cleaning", "need to sell to have a Christmas this year"). Please note, I know data analytics is not the strong suit of the skoolie community. Since I'm not going to conduct a study on this, I would like to hear from EastCoastCB in particular. I expect to be shopping in Feb-April and will watch the auctions daily then. I don't want to spend a year searching but at the same time I don't wont to rush into a bus I won't love.
From what is implied in skoolie advice, the best time to buy is when the school districts retire their buses at the end of the school year. IMO, the second best times is when there are minor bumps throughout the year in the frequency of bus listings.
This thread is for all future buyers who want to know the better times to buy outside of summer.