Hey all, just wanted to share some resources for salvage bus parts. First, a plug for myself. I have a light and medium duty truck salvage yard in south GA that has plenty of mechanical parts for light and medium duty buses and even a few bus bodies (Blue Bird 3800 IH at the moment). Internationals are very popular down here so I've got a good range of T444E, DT466 and VT365 parts, as well as plenty of the N175 Spicer rears that most buses have. We also have a good range of Ford, GM and Freightliner medium duty parts and plenty of Ford Powerstroke and GM Duramax on the light side. We ship most parts nationwide, take a look at our website for an idea of our coverage:
Midway Truck Parts – Midway Truck Parts
For broader coverage, check out this parts locator website for medium and heavy-duty used parts:
Quite a few big truck salvage yards list their inventory on this site, so you can find results from all over the U.S. Also, their VIN decoder is probably better than most of the free ones online without the normal popup ads. They give multiple search functions for finding parts: year make and model of the vehicle, manufacturer of the part itself, or just a basic keyword search. Many times I find what I need by putting casting or part #s in the keyword field. Lastly, you can just peruse their vendors list for yards nearby and go visit them. Hopefully this will be of some use to some folks.