Change title from Bus to RV but have a loan on it
Recently purchased a used bus from a dealer.
I may be regretting this decision but we got a vehicle loan on it to purchase it.
Two weeks later the title shows up in my mail. (Hmm, odd?)
Two months later, the dealership calls and stated they accidentally shipped us the title and intended it to go to the loan holder. Stated I need to take it to DMV and the DMV will send it to loan company?
Now we want to register the bus as an RV as we have converted it.
I've got a sinking feeling in my gut that I will not be able to do this while we still owe money on the loan.
Or.. Can I take the title they accidentally sent me, and use that to retitle it as an RV? (this may cause me more problems with the loan being for a bus, but I don't know.)