Originally Posted by Babs29
Hello All - I'm new here and new to the whole idea of bus conversion. I have not purchased a bus yet. Since I like to do my research first, I started looking into getting insurance. So far Progressive is the only underwriter I've found that will insure a Skookie, but the conversion has to be done by a "professional" conversion company. That would make it impossible financially, not to mention taking all the fun out converting a bus!
What are others doing for insurance? How did you get insured? And is your insurance company making you carry a regular car policy with your bus coverage (so 2 separate policies)? I'm in Colorado, but would register and insure where ever is Skoolie friendly. Thanks!
First: You get the checklist from your state's DMV/MVD/DOT office concerning the requirements for a vehicle to be re-titled as an RV/Motorhome
Once you do at least 4 items off of that list, you take your vehicle in to be inspected. If you pass, you get your title changed in their system.
The 5 out of 7 items on my state's list that I did were:
-Interior Heat not connected to vehicle engine
-Sink with running water and a stove-top/oven ( kitchen )
-Bed in a designated sleeping area
-refrigerator that runs off 12v or 110v
Next: You take your new title information and you call Napoleon at National General and answer all of his questions. You will also need 6 to 8 pictures of your conversion.
All four sides of the exterior of your vehicle and 2 shots from inside. 1 standing at the front and pointing to the back and the 2nd standing from the back and pointing to the front.
Do not have a wood burning stove, a chimney, a roof platform or extended platforms off the front or the rear bumpers.
You can add all those later if you want but if you show up at your inspection or send pictures to Napoleon with any of that stuff ....you will be turned down.
Napoleon Alarcon : 314-493-8422
Good Luck