02-19-2009, 08:13 PM
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I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
But it looks like I might. I just bought this 1988 Thompson skoolie a week ago, and here in Missouri we need to get a safety inspection before we can register it. Unfortunately, the bus (even though it really runs well) didn't pass inspection, and it's apparently going to need $2,200 worth of work, which is more than I have and more than the bus is worth. (I don't think the mechanic was BS-ing us, by the way, so a second opinion isn't going to help.)
So the long and short of the story is that I want to find a way to register and title this thing without having to get it inspected. The problem with taking it to another state and registering it is that I don't own property anywhere else. Do you know of any states where I can title and register a vehicle without proof of residence?
I have the title, by the way, as well as insurance and bill of sale.
Thanks soooo much for your help. It could save my bus.
02-19-2009, 08:16 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
What kind of work does it need to pass inspection?
If you have a relative or close friend in another state they might be able to help you register it in their state. Who knows.
Best of luck!
Pack up your bus and bug out to the hills!
02-19-2009, 11:59 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
I guess the main question is why do you want to register it. My guess is that if it won't pass a safety inspection then it isnt safe to drive.
You can always go the way full-time RVers do it and register it in South Dakota. I don't believe you even have to visit (there are services there that do it for you)
02-20-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
Originally Posted by vanguy67
I think I can help you get it titled and registered in Tennessee. Tennessee has no inspection at all. No proving it is a "motorhome" either. Just a private vehicle. You would have to fill out a "power of attorney for vehicle transaction" which is a form I could download and mail to you. Let me know if you're interested. I'll be glad to help you if I can. You'll owe me a cold one the next time you're in Nashville, TN though! 
Wouldn't we be transferring to you part-ownership of the skoolie then? I mean, not that I don't trust you, but I might have trouble convincing my friend who owns the bus with me of this.
02-22-2009, 02:50 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
If you reside in another state, what requirements does Tenn have them for residency? Or do they?
02-25-2009, 06:23 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
Interesting... I'm liking this idea. In Illinois we have to meet 4 out of 6 requirements to have it switched over to an RV, and I can't drive it until then...
The absence of the presence of skoolies on American roads is an unfortunate predicament for all peoples, its one which I intend to change by doing my part in promoting skoolie awareness!
Joshua D. Harris
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02-27-2009, 03:39 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
What is keeping it from passing?
No inspection needed in Colorado either. Maybe try a very rural dmv or clerk and see if they even bring up the inspection thing.
02-27-2009, 08:50 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
Originally Posted by Ray_WA
What kind of work does it need to pass inspection?
Originally Posted by letz4wheel
I guess the main question is why do you want to register it. My guess is that if it won't pass a safety inspection then it isnt safe to drive.
Originally Posted by Chuck Webb
Lights? Horn? Brakes? Tires? Why won't it pass inspection?
Originally Posted by recycler
What is keeping it from passing?
Just in case you missed it... some of us were wondering just why your bus wont pass inspection.
Pack up your bus and bug out to the hills!
02-28-2009, 03:50 PM
Bus Crazy
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
From the Missouri Department of Revenue:
Equipment Needed
BRAKES — Brakes must be in good working order.
HEADLIGHTS —Your vehicle must have at least two white headlights.
TAILLIGHTS —Your vehicle must have at least two red taillights and reflectors that other drivers can see from 500 feet.
SIGNALING DEVICES —Your vehicle must have turn signals and brake lights as originally installed by the manufacturer.
STEERING MECHANISM —Your vehicle's steering mechanism must not have too much play or binding.
TIRES AND WHEELS —You must not have bald or mismatched tires on your vehicle.
SAFETY GLASS — If your vehicle was made after January 1, 1936, it must have safety glass in all windows.
WINDSHIELD — The viewing area of your windshield may not be badly broken.
VISION REDUCING MATERIAL —Your vehicle must not have anything on the windshield that will reduce your visibility, except labels and stickers
required by law or ordinance, and informational signs on the upper portion of the windshield normally tinted by manufacturers.
WINDSHIELD WIPERS —Your vehicle’s windshield wipers must work.
SEAT BELTS — If your passenger car was made after June 30, 1964, it must have two sets of seat belts in the front seat.
HORN —Your vehicle must have a horn that other drivers and pedestrians can hear.
EXHAUST SYSTEM —Your vehicle must have an attached exhaust pipe, muffler, and tailpipe.
MIRRORS — If your vehicle was made after 1967, it must have an inside and an outside rearview mirror.
AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICES — If your vehicle was made after 1967 and does not have a diesel motor, it must have air pollution control devices. These pollution control devices must be as originally installed by the manufacturer.
FUEL SYSTEM — The fuel system, including all lines, hoses, connections, and tank(s), must be firmly attached and must not leak.
MUD FLAPS — Trucks without rear fenders, registered for over 24,000 pounds, must have mud flaps.
BUMPERS — Bumpers on passenger vehicles may not exceed 22 inches above the ground when measured at the highest point. Commercial vehicle
bumper heights are determined by gross vehicle weight rating.
Other Equipment Required by Law
LICENSE (REGISTRATION) PLATES — Missouri law requires that license plates be securely fastened to a vehicle, and that all parts of the plates are
visible and clean for view or inspection by any law enforcement entity. . . . . .
If you have a truck licensed in excess of 12,000 pounds, you will only receive one plate, which must be placed on the front of the truck. . . . .
LICENSE PLATE LIGHT —Your vehicle must have a white light shining on the rear license plate so the plate can be seen from 50 feet. . . . .
STUDDED SNOW TIRES —Your vehicle may have studded snow tires only from November 1 to April 1.
WINDOW TINTING — Tinting or sun-screening material is permitted on the side and rear windows (front door windows at no more than 65% light blockage).
EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS - Motorists residing in St. Louis City and the counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Franklin, and Jefferson are also required to have emissions inspections, if applicable.
I think it's been asked  , but what didn't pass that costs $2200?
If you've got bad steering, I don't want you on the road. Bad brakes or tires, and I don't want you behind me. On the other hand, if it failed emissions but otherwise runs fine, or has some cracks in glass other than a windshield, I wouldn't object to a little jurisdiction shopping until it can get corrected.
If it's bad lights or wiring, and the mechanic is quoting 2 days' labor to puzzle out how it's put together, find a friend who knows how to use a meter and start taking notes and making drawings. Grab any lighting parts you need from junkyards. (Guys like me are born with a sickness that makes us feel that it's a privilege to be allowed to tear into your wiring to see what makes it tick.)
Someone said "Making good decisions comes from experience, experience comes from bad decisions." I say there are three kinds of people: those who learn from their mistakes, those who learn from the mistakes of others, and those who never learn.
06-06-2009, 11:39 AM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
Do you have a family member in another state? Sign the title over to them, as long as they don't mind you keeping the bus in your home state under their name. That way, they can title it in their state, therefore bypassing Missouri's b.s. requirements.
06-07-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
Hey all to echo what has been said about a safe bus to be out there. I know wisconsin has a law that if live there for 14 days you are a resident. When my wife and I trained for our CDL we lived in a hotel for 16 days- used our room number on our CDL. Then transfered it to NJ where we actually live.
Make sure the bus is safe to be out on the road. You dont know how many times I see unsafe vehices, causing accidents. One in particular was in Monroe LA, we came up on an accident. A pickup hauling too much weight in a utility trailer, had bad steering ended up crossing the median. Well a flatbed trucker had to lock it down- he missed the pick-up- the fedEx truck behind him did'nt, killed pickup driver and passenger. Didn't stop there- fedex hit the rear of the flatbedder. It sheared the tractor in half, killed the fedex driver. Then the cab of fedex slammed into the back of the flatbed cab killed gthe fatbed co-driver. 4 people dead in the blink of an eye.
Make sure you stay safe- We see way too much senceless death out there. I have stories that'd make you cringe, part of the job.
06-07-2009, 10:18 PM
Bus Nut
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
I'm curious too, exactly what is wrong that would cost $2200 to fix??
You just might be a Redneck if...
...your motor home used to be a school bus!
...Your living room has a steering wheel!
...Your home has brake lights
1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1989 Thomas Diesel Pusher (Cat 3208/Freightliner)
Chesapeake, Virginia
06-08-2009, 04:11 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
We need specifics. Engine, transmission and what exactly did not pass. A lot of things could be fixed cheaply (if we knew what they were) If you only paid a few hundred dollars for this, a thousand or so would not be bad, to "make it safe" What do you plan to use this for? RVing, camping, party bus, storage?
There are things on that Miss. list that really don't apply. Pretty sure you don't have studded tires, do ya?  If you have a problem in every catagory on the list, ya might shudda not have bought it.
Your post says you have insurance on it. I had to pull my seats and have a rep take pictures of it before they would issue insurance. (to make sure I would not be hauling passengers. Over 10 anyway)
"I've never been lost, but I been mighty confused for several days"
06-10-2009, 03:54 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
Hey, is this thing on?  Are you an audience or an oil painting?  Give me info
"I've never been lost, but I been mighty confused for several days"
04-27-2011, 01:26 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
Originally Posted by vanguy67
I think I can help you get it titled and registered in Tennessee. Tennessee has no inspection at all. No proving it is a "motorhome" either. Just a private vehicle. You would have to fill out a "power of attorney for vehicle transaction" which is a form I could download and mail to you. Let me know if you're interested. I'll be glad to help you if I can. You'll owe me a cold one the next time you're in Nashville, TN though! 
Yeah Tennessee is a joke. They even let illegal immigrants from Mexico get vehicles titled. State/County probably just wants the money. Roane county I know for sure (my brother in law is one) Then they get more money when they get pulled over. Racket?
05-07-2011, 08:27 PM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
I wouldn't trust any single mechanics opinion without double checking. The garage charged me $200 to tell me I needed $1200 in repairs to my brakes. I took it home bought the $300 part they said I needed and took the brakes apart only to find the real culprit was a rusty pivot pin. It cost me $500 for something that could have been fixed for very little if the mechanic was honest and competent. I think they just picked the most expensive thing to tell me I needed to repair. I've had my truck in for inspection only to get the same kind of stupid high repair estimate. I refused the repairs failed the inspection and took it to my own mechanic who fixed the neccesary items and stickered the vehicle for just a couple hundred dollars. DON'T ever trust mechanics !!
07-28-2011, 09:26 AM
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Re: I don't wanna lose my skoolie...
TN now requires insurance. We don't but we haven't been in TN in years even though all our vehicles (except the bus) is registered in TN because we are still "officially" TN residents. We only have the signed over title and bill of sale for the bus (no tags). Brought it out from NC to NM like that.
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