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Old 02-04-2010, 02:07 PM   #1
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Registering Skoolie as Motorhome in SD

I am thinking of setting up an LLC in South Dakota. In doing so,I would put all our vehicles and food cart under our business name. I can still get residency here in TX (means I don't have to go to SD to get drivers license and I will switch our mail forwarding service from TN to TX). I need to know what is involved in getting the skoolie tagged as a motorhome up there. Right now it is titled as a private bus (?) on an SC title (signed over to us when we bought plus a bill of sale).

This post is my opinion. It is not intended to influence anyone's judgment nor do I advocate anyone do what I propose.
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Old 02-06-2010, 08:38 AM   #2
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Re: Registering Skoolie as Motorhome in SD

Lorna, great to see you back here. I was looking at your Eagle conversion pages when people close to me started full-timing, and I started lurking/joining internet boards and sites.

If you look on Escapees, you will find a lot of people use Montana LLCs for their registration. I guess it is mostly to avoid sales and luxury taxes on million-dollar rigs. South Dakota has laws favoring domicile for full-timers. Those I know set up 'residency' there. But I don't know what advantage it has for just registration, other than no vehicle inspections means no need to be constantly returning for "check-ups."

One word of caution, there was a thread where RVs with Montana plates that turned out to be 'owned' by LLCs were being ticketed for highway use tax evasion. While RV's are generally exempt from CDL requirements and weigh station inspections, registering as a corporation may be considered a commercial use. If so, this would put you in the same category as a corporate hospitality bus that followed the NASCAR circuit, and not in the vacationer/nomad category. You may have to start dealing with CDLs, scales and highway use tax permits. I guess the thought is that you can't have your exemptions both ways.

If I were to use an LLC for registration, I would name it "Black Hills Motor Leasing" or some similar title, and carry an official lease agreement from "Black Hills" with me, demonstrating that I had rented the unit from the corporation. There may still be trouble if an officer thinks "Black Hills" hasn't filed the proper paperwork, but it may be one or two notches less dramatic if the officer is not aware he/she is dealing with the principals of the corporation.
Someone said "Making good decisions comes from experience, experience comes from bad decisions." I say there are three kinds of people: those who learn from their mistakes, those who learn from the mistakes of others, and those who never learn.
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Old 02-06-2010, 04:25 PM   #3
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Re: Registering Skoolie as Motorhome in SD

I know about the Montana thing as I post on both Escapees and IRV2. We have a Food Concession Business so the LLC would be a legit thing not a personal one. I would put not only our food cart but our Jeep and Bus (both would be used to tow cart) under the business' name. The reason for the SD is the double towing length. Montana allows DOUBLE towing overall length to be 70 ft while SD will allow DOUBLE towing to be 75 ft. I think I will just get with a TX LLC. I am just a little worried about the "what if's". What if... a hurricane is heading here and we have to leave out but one of us is sick or hurt... then we would have to hook the jeep AND the food cart to the bus and leave out. It probably won't ever happen, the sick/hurt part not the hurricane part, but... BTW, we are currently in an area that is the first to evacuate (Flour Bluff on the bay before the last bridge to Padre Island). I just renewed my TN tags for the jeep but the RV is due in April. Maybe by that time, we will figure out if we will be staying here in TX or moving elsewhere. If we move out of TX, I forfeit the $500 I had to give the TX tax office (in case I "skipped out" and without paying the sales tax on our business). I will most likely end up setting up a TX residence thru Escapees and set up a TX LLC. It doesn't hurt to get info.
This post is my opinion. It is not intended to influence anyone's judgment nor do I advocate anyone do what I propose.
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Old 02-07-2010, 11:10 AM   #4
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Re: Registering Skoolie as Motorhome in SD

It was because we live fulltime in an RV and I used the campground's address not our TN mailing address! But the reason they gave for the deposit was because we MIGHT pack up and leave owing the state $$. TX does not have state income tax... they gotta get it from somewhere. Just like TN.
This post is my opinion. It is not intended to influence anyone's judgment nor do I advocate anyone do what I propose.
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Old 08-29-2010, 09:57 AM   #5
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Re: Registering Skoolie as Motorhome in SD

Not to change topics but to move to Texas you also have to pay for the right... $90 bucks for a citizen fee before you can get a license there.

Not sure about doing a LLC in SD but I know Escapees forums has info on setting up residency there.
Ever consider NM for an LLC?
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