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Old 06-05-2008, 03:23 PM   #41
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

Here in Nevada they have a registration called ASVE, this stands for Assembled Vehicle. This is what they previously had my bus registed as. They issued a new Nevada VIN number.

I have what I beleive is a '65-67 Chevy C60 Manufactured by WAYNE Co. Im unsure of the year. I paid $800 then the engine blew. I replaced the 292 inline six with the same engine from Autozone. Now she runs well and I just replaced the master cylinder so I hope stops accordingly. Anyway......

I am new here I just found the site and I finally feel like I have found a place to learn from.
The previous owner somehow had this bus registered and insured as a 1979 motorhome, which is senseless because in this state a vehicle older than 1967 needs no smog or seatbelts. So now I think I may have to take the bus down to the dmv for an inspection, or can I just register it with the VIN inside the engine compartment?
The bus was converted with all brown 70's style fo leather interior, I have since painted an attempted to update what is already there and usefull. I feel I made an ok bargain since all conversion had been made.

Although I have alot of rust under the wheelwells, if anyone knows anything about repairing this let me know. I fear to take her to wet climate.

I will upload pics soon expecting some constructive criticism.

Also info on exterior paint would be helpful.

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Old 09-26-2008, 04:32 PM   #42
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

I think the confusion in Texas stems from the difference between a class B license and a class B CDL. From what I have read (not an expert, but I pulled this off of the DPS site), you do need a Class B license if the GVWR is over 26,000, but not a class B CDL.
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Old 03-14-2009, 01:14 PM   #43
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

Anyone have any info for the State of Kanasas?

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Old 03-26-2009, 10:57 AM   #44
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

I called the Kansas State Patrol yesterday to find out about what needs to be done in Kansas. The very helpful Trooper told me that if the bus is out of state it will have to have a VIN inspection. All they do is verify that the title VIN matches the VIN in several places in the bus. Next it MUST be yellow whatsoever. He said that even with those things done, it would still be a bus and you would need a CDL (with airbrakes if so equipped) unless it was "obvious" that it was a motorhome or RV. He sort of failed to elaborate much on what "obvious" meant from the outside. He did say that if someone were stopped and the Trooper looked inside, he should see the typical RV things (seating, kitchen, etc). He didn't say how many of those things had to be there and working, however. I hope that helps someone!
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Old 04-27-2010, 02:49 PM   #45
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

Figured I'd throw NJ's requirements in here.

I called a while back, and they require:

-the removal of the stop sign and top warning lights
-bus painted a different color than yellow
-all lights and stickers off
-stove or microwave in bus
-sleeping area
-pictures of all of those and pictures of all 4 sides of the bus

This will allow you to change the title to a RV from whatever it was.
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Old 10-12-2010, 11:44 PM   #46
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Florida RV License Requirements

I'm currently researching this process in Florida, so I figured I'd add what I've found to help any other Floridians.

Driver licensing requirements (from the FL DMV website)
NonCommercial Driver Licenses

CLASS E: Any non-commercial motor vehicles with Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) less than 26,001 pounds, including passenger cars, 15 passenger vans including the driver, trucks or recreational vehicles and two or three wheel motor vehicles 50 cc or less, such as mopeds or small scooters. (see below). Farmers and drivers of authorized emergency vehicles who are exempt from obtaining a commercial driver license must obtain a Class E license.
CDL Exemptions

The following persons are exempt from the requirements to obtain a commercial driver license:

•*Drivers of authorized emergency vehicles that are equipped with extraordinary audible warning devices that display red or blue lights and are on call to respond to emergencies;or
• Military personnel driving military vehicles; or
• Farmers transporting farm supplies or farm machinery, or transporting agricultural products to or from the first place of storage or processing or directly to or from market, within 150 miles of their farm; or
Drivers of recreational vehicles used for recreational purposes; or
•*Drivers who operate straight trucks (single units) that are exclusively transporting their own tangible personal property which is not for sale.
• An employee of a publicly owned transit system who is limited to moving vehicles for maintenance or parking purposes exclusively within the restricted-access confines of a transit system's property.
I highlighted in red the parts that may be pertinent to your situation if you are driving a vehicle that exceeds the 26,000 pound GVW rating. You would normally be required to have a CDL for these heavy trucks, but if it's a RV or a "straight truck" (such as a Ryder rental truck that you might drive to move your personal belongings from an old address to a new home), you are not required to have a CDL. I had a question about this as the bus I was considering when I walked into the Tag Agency has a GVWR of 29,800 pounds. Since it won't be considered an RV until after the conversion, I thought I might have to have a CDL just to drive the empty bus home from the auction, but my interpretation of the last exception is that I would be able to drive any vehicle that exceeds the weight rating as long as I'm not using it for hire (to transport goods for sale, for example) and it doesn't articulate (bend) between the axles. Is that what everyone else gleans from that last exception?

As far as the RV conversion paperwork, all that's required is an affidavit in the following format (sorry, no link on this one. I don't know if the DMV web site has this part publicly available, but the good people at the Ocala office were able to print me a copy of the requirements, quoted here):
F. Conversion Affidavit:

In the case of an individual converting their own vehicle and requesting to have the identity changed on the title in order to have it registered and licensed as a recreational vehicle, the customer must submit an affidavit to the tax collector. The affidavit must certify that the unit has been converted to the extent to include one of the aforementioned items to qualify it as a recreational vehicle.


This is to certify that I, ______________, owner of a (Year) __________, (Make)_______, (VIN) ___________________, hereby request the vehicle be classified as recreational vehicle for the following reason:

( ) Installed 110 volt electrical wiring
( ) Installed LP gas piping
( ) Installed plumbing system
You have to check at least one of the three requirements, but that's all. No pictures or inspection is necessary. Just supply the affidavit to the title agency and they will issue a new title with the RV classification.
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Old 05-09-2011, 11:34 PM   #47
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

Does anyone know how New York works?
I bought a 17 passenger E450 2003 at an auction and am having a heck of a time just getting insurance on it. Geico won't touch it, and they have 4 of my cars, home owners, and my boat policies.

I am going to take the seats out and use it to move out of state with for now, so even just titling and insuring as a van would be fine for now but no one I call seems to have a clue, nor does the dmv. Some of the research I have done even says to try to register it as a house on wheels!

I did learn through this process to NEVER mention 2 words though. BUS and CONVERSION.
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Old 05-10-2011, 11:20 AM   #48
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

I'm in New York, and got GMAC to insure it (liability-stuff only).

I also got lots of good advice on registering it initially as a 'House on Wheels' by having all seats but the driver's taken out. So long as it's under 18,000 #, The HoW becomes essentially, a personal vehicle, so that's the 'quick and dirty' route that I'd take.

Also, I used the DMV's 800 # and talked with a guy who not only got me the HoW designation, but also told me -exactly- how to fill out the forms so that they're retitle it.

I wish you luck!
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Old 05-10-2011, 11:29 PM   #49
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

Do you have their 800 number?
I looked all day and only found their 518 are code automated numbers.

I spent the day going over it, pulled the seats out, got the lift working, I am excited to get this thing registered and on the road!

I am even planning on doing a self contained on board WVO setup. It makes perfect sense with this, has coolant lines already ran to the back, lots of under body room, and diesel here is 4.40 a gallon.

BUT I have to get NY to let me drive the darn thing first!
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Old 06-14-2011, 07:59 PM   #50
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements


First of all, the title I got from the seller had a "BU" for bus body style; it did not list the mileage. The new title I got in the mail from the DMV also says BU without the mileage. Yay!

To get the insurance, I called a "cool" State Farm guy. After a dead end with Safeco due to me weighing more than 12k lbs. who does all of my regular cars and another dead end with State Farm who does both my houses because they couldn't find my make or model in the computer, I was told to call him because "he can do anything". Apparently he deals with with AAA and Progressive too because the policy that came in the mail said Progressive doing business as AAA of the Carolinas. Maybe he was a broker or something? Anyway, $600 for 12 months got me "full coverage" for a $6000 school bus and everything inside it like tv, stereo, fridge, etc. I asked him if I needed to drive it to his office or send him pictures of the inside and outside but he said no don't worry about it. Deductibles were 250/500. Cracked windshields and vandalism/theft was the 500. I think accidents was the 250. Chances are, your normal car insurance company will have trouble finding the make and model of the body in their computer so you may need to call a couple different insurance places. Shop around and get the cheapest quote!

Later that day, I walked into the DMV with a notarized title and proof of insurance (no bill of sale is required like in South Carolina but in South Carolina you don't need to notarize a title either). But they will ask you how much you paid for your bus for the initial property tax value fee (low ball them obviously ) Shouldn't be too much more expensive next year unless they do a Blue Book or NADA evaluation like they do with most people's regular cars and trucks. The lady at the DMV (Mecklenburg county) gave me a 10 day permit that allowed me to drive it to get inspected. I drove it to a place and their rule was that it had to be 12' or lower because if it doesn't fit in the shop, they aren't allowed to inspect it. I was 10'6" (didn't have the AC mounted yet last month) Since it's a diesel, there was no smog/emissions/gas cap pressure check. If it were a 1996 or newer gasoline engine, there would have been an OBDII and smog inspection. They did not crawl under the body or even go inside the cabin. (good thing too because my seatbelt was unbolted due to painting/carpet) They just asked me what company made the chassis (Freightliner, International, Thomas, etc), how much it weighed, how many miles and honked the horn and looked at the lights. The only thing that failed were the old winshield wipers. I only paid $16 out the door and that even included the 2 new wiper blades. Pro Tip: Call around until you find a place that does RV or Semi Truck inspections

With the newly obtained passed inspection printout, I was then allowed to go back to the DMV and get it registered and a license plate. Luckily no questions came up about weight or axles or CDL license I paid $30 extra for the license plate PARTYBUS. I got the title notarized, the inspection done and registration/license plate all in the same day. I started out at 8am and got done around 4pm. Not becaue the DMV line was so long; trust me, I go to a little one way out in the country now! It was because I had to drive like 40 minutes to my "cool" notary because I couldn't get a hold of the seller anymore. But I had the seller sign the title a few months back when I bought it so it wasn't too much of a rule bender favor. I need to quit that stupid habit I know. My brother is even worse. He "skips the title" completely. Buy an old car, have the seller sign the title, fix it up and have your "cool" notary stamp it when you get a buyer. No taxes! The inspection place was also another 45 minutes in the OPPOSITE direction.

All 52 of my side windows were limo tinted 100% including the 2 driver's sliding windows and the 6 foot doors. I did not tint the windshield. They did not check the windows, however now that I think of it, they were all down that day because it was 97 degreees and my AC wasn't installed yet so maybe they just overlooked them? My engine cover was also removed (getting re-painted and a new diamond plate insert) so that made it even hotter and I damn near burnt my right leg hair off every 5 minutes that thermostat and radiator fan kicked in! One cool thing I noticed is that it never goes past 170 degrees it's always 150-160. I'm sure this has something to do with being diesel, having a huge radiator and a several gallons of coolant flowing 25 feet back to the underseat heater core.

The ENTIRE inside of my bus was gutted that day. I did not have a stove, toilet, sink, bed or anything. Just 8' x 30' of plywood floor. Not sure how strict the rules are for a "RV Camper Conversion" but when the inspectors asked me what I was using it for I said camping and partying. They said that's cool and they wish that they had one to take to the races that coming Sunday. Perhaps I got lucky. Your mileage may vary.

I was told that I needed an MC# to take passengers across state lines if I charge them money. I am not sure if this means they can drink alcohol too or not. But the funny thing is, the North Carolina laws state YES you CAN consume alcohol in the living quarters. The big question I have is do you need a particular registration, business license and business insurance if those 30 people getting wild on your bus are not your friends or family, but in fact, paying customers. I'm still researching that...
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Old 01-05-2012, 01:17 PM   #51
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements


RE: Bus to RV registration requirements Washington State.

This is the info WA State 'Equipment Division' sent me today, thought I would share:

From: Equipment

January 4, 2012

This is in response to your inquiry.

Below is the RCW Definition of a motor home. In order to be licensed as a motor home it must meet these qualification.

RCW 46.04.305

Motor homes.

"Motor homes" means motor vehicles originally designed, reconstructed, or permanently altered to provide facilities for human habitation, which include lodging and cooking or sewage disposal, and is enclosed within a solid body shell with the vehicle, but excludes a camper or like unit constructed separately and affixed to a motor vehicle.

Once the conversion is complete contact the Department of Licensing for title change and registration.

At that time DOL will determine if an inspection is required. If it is requires, you can find information regarding the inspection and a list of our inspection locations on our Web site at

Hopefully this provides the information and clarification you needed. If you have additional questions about the licensing and reclassification of the vehicle please feel free to contact DOL directly at (360) 902-0122 or

Thank you for your inquiry.


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Old 01-28-2012, 11:52 AM   #52
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements


I bought my bookmobile in Tennessee and paid $10 for a temporary registration to drive it from Clarksville to home in Ocala, FL. It had already been titled as a motorhome (MH) in TN, so I didn't have to change the type of registration. I called USAA (they insure my Jeep) and had them add the RV to my coverage. USAA contracts their motorhome policies out to Progressive and the new coverage cost me $600 for a year of full coverage with $500 deductible.

Once I got it to Florida, the DMV only needed to verify the VIN (because it was being titled from another state), so I had to take the vehicle to the DMV office where they could look at the VIN plate. (They also would have sent a police officer to my home to verify the numbers if I wasn't able or willing to bring the bus to the DMV office.)

Title fees are based on weight. I paid $834.15 for a FL title, tag, and registration. Registration renewal is $71.85 per year.

This state is a killer with fees and taxes. I had to pay over $20 extra to use my credit card to pay the initial DMV fees.
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Old 02-13-2012, 04:49 PM   #53
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Ohio RV License Requirements

i sent a email to the Ohio dmv and this is what they told me that you need:

- Permanent cold storage
- Cooking facility
- Permanent sleeping area
- Remove 8-way systems (lights) and lettering
- Register vehicle as RV
- CDL license is not required

According to the Ohio Revise Code (ORC 4501.11)

However I heard that this is not 100% accurate. does anyone know for sure?
and do you have to change the coulor of the bus too?
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Old 06-05-2012, 07:31 PM   #54
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

I am glad I live in tn,I would hate to feel everyone elses pain with this
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Old 11-10-2012, 12:02 AM   #55
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

Hey guys.
Many thanks to all of you pioneers and trailblazers that are providing such useful info to us Skooln00bs.

I am getting ready to go to several auctions with cash in hand to buy a bus and start the conversion process. I have one question about the items required to qualify the vehicle as a "recreational vehicle". If I take a normally portable item and "fix" it to the floor or wall so that tools would be required for removal, do you think that would "get'r dun"? What I specifically have planned is:
1. Take out most of the seats, leaving 2 or 3 benches, possibly re-arranged.
2. Remove school bus specific equipment, i.e. stop sign, top lights, etc. if still installed at purchase.
3. Paint exterior with cheap paint (usually find several gallons that were mixed for a customer who ended up not liking it or something so I get it CHEAP) and rollers.
4. Throw a mattress on floor in back. (sleeping arrangement)
5. Attach metal table to floor with coleman camp stove affixed to it. (cooking arrangement)
6. Affix camping porta-potty on pedastal to floor in back with curtains. (toilet arrangement)
7. 5 gallon plastic water container with hand pump attached to cooking table with basin and spigot attached to side of table. (fresh water supply installed)
8. 2.5Kw genset attached to rear on welded frame with wiring inside for small dorm fridge. (power, 110v wiring, chilled food storage).

I already own most of this stuff, so my cash outlay should be pretty small to start. I plan on starting full-timing in this by early next year and doing more permanent modifications/installations as we go, when cash and time to do the work coincide. Does this sound like a reasonable plan to y'all. I am in Texas so I appreciate all of the info already posted.

I eventually will have fully self-contained unit with solar panels, charge controller, battery storage, inverter and all that good stuff. I have quite a bit of fabrication experience with wood and sheetmetal, and some friends that weld. Professionally I do electronics, computer, and simulation work. I have some interesting ideas that may end up as posts here someday, including a DIY charge controller for solar panels to charge batteries that uses common parts and average hobbyist soldering skills.
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Old 12-16-2013, 09:04 AM   #56
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

As far as make/model of your bus.
I have an International 3700, thomas/navistar is listed as the manufacturer, it is on an International 3000 chassis,
GMAC could not find the 3700 in their system but they could find the 3000 in their system,

I use GMAC, if they wont insure you via the phone try going to an office of GMAC or some other insurance company and just tell them the manufacturer and the chassis type, dont mention the school bus aspect. Call center employees dont get large bonuses and must follow the rules, if you talk to an actual agent you may be able to get them to force the issue since it is a policy they personally benefit from.

Mine has a Ford 7.3 diesel engine, none of the auto parts stores can find the 3700 in their system but they can find the Int. 3000 for some parts, the 7.3 has been a standard ford engine for 25 years, when I go for parts I just say I have a 1990 ford F350, for most engine parts it is sufficient.
My conversion thread, viewtopic.php?f=9&t=466746
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Old 12-30-2013, 12:28 PM   #57
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

Good Sam was very helpful, if you do your own conversion they will sell you liability only, I just signed up my 88 Crown cost me $236.00 a year
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Old 01-15-2014, 10:01 AM   #58
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

I recently bought a 21' shuttle bus to convert to an rv for traveling with family and friends. It's rated for 16 passengers (which requires a CDL as a bus). I was under the impression from reading the forums that once it's registered as an RV (in Florida) we wouldnt need a CDL to drive it. Today they told me that they title it simiilar to a salvage vehicle (assembled from parts, or something), but it would keep the same passenger rating and still need a CDL driver. Can anyone tell me if I just spoke with someone that doesnt know what they're doing, or did I misunderstand what we're allowed to do with this bus?
Thanks for whatever knowledge or experience you can share. I don't want to screw this up.
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Old 01-15-2014, 05:42 PM   #59
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

Originally Posted by kjones
I recently bought a 21' shuttle bus to convert to an rv for traveling with family and friends. It's rated for 16 passengers (which requires a CDL as a bus). I was under the impression from reading the forums that once it's registered as an RV (in Florida) we wouldnt need a CDL to drive it. Today they told me that they title it simiilar to a salvage vehicle (assembled from parts, or something), but it would keep the same passenger rating and still need a CDL driver. Can anyone tell me if I just spoke with someone that doesnt know what they're doing, or did I misunderstand what we're allowed to do with this bus?
Thanks for whatever knowledge or experience you can share. I don't want to screw this up.
(This is the third time I’ve written about your predicament. )

I don’t know how much of this thread you’ve read, but I did post the contents of the required conversion affidavit in an earlier post:

As far as the RV conversion paperwork, all that's required is an affidavit in the following format (sorry, no link on this one. I don’t know if the DMV web site has this part publicly available, but the good people at the Ocala office were able to print me a copy of the requirements, quoted here):

[quote:5evav9qx]F. Conversion Affidavit:

In the case of an individual converting their own vehicle and requesting to have the identity changed on the title in order to have it registered and licensed as a recreational vehicle, the customer must submit an affidavit to the tax collector. The affidavit must certify that the unit has been converted to the extent to include one of the aforementioned items to qualify it as a recreational vehicle.


This is to certify that I, ______________, owner of a (Year) __________, (Make)_______, (VIN) ___________________, hereby request the vehicle be classified as recreational vehicle for the following reason:

( ) Installed 110 volt electrical wiring
( ) Installed LP gas piping
( ) Installed plumbing system
You have to check at least one of the three requirements, but that's all. No pictures or inspection is necessary. Just supply the affidavit to the title agency and they will issue a new title with the RV classification.[/quote:5evav9qx]

I believe you can just type that up on your own and submit it with the title request.

I didn’t remember this in my email, but it appears that you only need one of the three requirements to title it as a motorhome. Of course, you could just say you’ve done this and submit the form, but that would be dishonest. In my mind it would suffice to plug a small inverter into a 12-volt source and then you’d fulfill the requirements for 110VAC electrical wiring.
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Old 01-15-2014, 08:05 PM   #60
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Re: Typical RV License Requirements

"Humpback goat" avatar what does it mean?

Great bump for info

(edited because my "secretary while I was cooking dinner" didn't exactly input the data required

Sorry PD if you read it before edit
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