Originally Posted by Robin97396
I thought the reason you were going with the 50K AC was because you decided not to insulate and because you like to drive with the windows open? If 50K turns out to be to much, you can always hire out as a meat locker during hunting season.
I've been curious to know if you've ever looked at the AC units on government surplus?
I didnt look at A/C units on govdeals real close.. everything seemed like a lot of parts.. plus I wanted new ones.. with A/C its critical that you build a matched system and not just throw a bunch of parts together..
yeah I went with 50k figuring I could also get decent cooling with the engine at a slower idle too.. my compressor is rated at sustained max RPM of 5000.. something it will never see on a diesel bus.. the data sheet also mentions it gets its maximum output at 2500-3000 RPM.. (note thats COMPRESSOR RPM.. not engine RPM.. i wanted excess capacity so I can idle down to normal slow idle and still spin it fast enough to work..
it is being overdriven somewhere around 1.4 from my meager calculations.
the new modern sanden compressors ramp up on capacity quite quickly from their minimum rated RPM. so even if idling my bus at 600 RPM I can easily see 60% plus capacity at slow idle.. and at a fast idle of say 1000 im up to close to 80%..
im using TxV valves which will reduce the capacity of the system based on load.. I think the unit itself has a 3 speed resistor for the fan.. which im building a Variable speed drive for it... so I can slow the fan way down if needbe.. I can also cycle the compressor if needbe..