Originally Posted by syntaxterror
Hi looking to get info on Crown clutch set up. I have a rto 910 that came out of a crown that I am going to put in my Thomas 3800 t444e. I have been told that Crowns had hydraulic clutch and would like to get some specks on the size of the master and slave cylinder. I know International uses a mechanical clutch set up and I might use that system. Just trying to look at all the options as a hydraulic system might be easier to work with.
Crowns have never used hydraulic clutch systems. Always simple pull rods and bell-cranks. Why does it matter anyway if you're taking the RTx-910 out of a Crown and swapping it into another bus.
The clutch components are all part of the bell housing and have nothing to do with the transmission itself. If you intend to use the bell housing and transmission combo from the Crown and swap into another engine/bus you're likely to find bigger problems than you realize at this point in time. First thing to remember is that the Crowns had horizontal engines with the bell housing modified to accept that and allow for the normal entry of the clutch actuating shaft. There was also "Push" and "Pull" clutch configurations that changed during the years.
There's a lot to consider and I admit I don't have all the answers but you should know that all bell housings are not created equal. You may find it easier to mount the transmission to your existing bell housing, if it's the right SAE size of course, and make your own system to actuate the clutch. You may get lucky and can use whats already in place...... But it's almost never that easy. Mr. Murphy simply Loves projects like this.
Another thing you may not have considered is that the 910 is likely longer than what's in your bus currently for one thing, and also heavier as well which is why the Crowns all had supports attached to the frame rails that were positioned mid-way on the transmission to support the weight so the bell housing wasn't carrying all that weight alone. You've much to deal with as I'm sure you'll find out about real soon.
Bottom line is, don't worry about what Crown may or may not have used, your problem is a clean slate situation with making the stand-alone RTO-910 fit onto your engine/bell housing combination. That should keep you occupied for a while. The Crown is less than a zero consideration in this equation and has nothing to do with it.