Have you thought about a decorative applique? You could paint or silver leaf it. If you use real silver leaf or composition gold, you need to seal it.
If that appeals to you... go to your big box lumber store and find the trim molding aisle. they should have fancy trims and appliques (think Victorian gingerbread) in both wood, MDF and plastic. Choose something with will go with your decor, either simple of fancy. Pre cut or pressed trim is widely available. You can create a complete Victorian style house and never actually make a single piece of wood trim. My plan is to get my "base" design of the bus completed then after everything is done, basically do what a great deal of the Victorians did.... enhance the decor (Victorian summer cottage) with additional trim as I go.

"fancy" corner block typically used at the top corners of a door frame

"plain" corner block typically used at the top corners of a door frame
Or cut your own block of wood out to use as a base for a small lacy applique or find an applique large enough to cover similar to this
These type of appliques (thin fancy ones) you use glue and a piece of painters tape or a tiny brad nail to hold it in place until the glue dries. You can find a limited selection in stores and an unlimited online. Try one of the
vintage millworks if this appeals to you.