02-28-2011, 02:26 AM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Hello, from B.C. Canada
Hi, I'm Lois and I'm new. I haven't got a whole running bus, I have a "practice project" called "Pit Stop"
She's nothing but a shell of a bus already, so once the plywood floor comes off and I check the undercarriage, I'll get to work.
Pit Stop is a 1967 Ford ex-skoolie, then ex BCFP crew bus (forest co) then a parts storage for Mazda motors.
Now she is going to be my back yard living room, complete with a small wood stove and all my craft supplies.
No glass, so I have to fix that, and theres a few dings and dents to fix and the darn doors are rusted open in the front, but both safety doors work.
I pick her up in June, because she's on a farm where it's too muddy to get her now, have to wait for the ground to firm up.
She may not look like much, but the body is solid, they made buses better back then.
02-28-2011, 04:01 PM
Bus Nut
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Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Welcome aboard...
So, no plans to get this thing back in road condition??? Just make it a permanent fixture and use it as extra living space???
Cool idea...
I like it...
02-28-2011, 09:10 PM
Almost There
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Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
That would make a cool addition to a house
03-01-2011, 11:09 AM
Bus Crazy
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,485
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
pic looks like there is no front end to the bus?
03-05-2011, 03:14 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Originally Posted by Stuff
pic looks like there is no front end to the bus?
You're right, there isn't, the front axle got appropriated for something else and I have no idea what happened to the rest of it. I plan to have the fron't frame made into a trailer hitch, in case I ever have to move it, but mostly will be enjoying it as a private getaway spot in the back yard
03-05-2011, 11:46 PM
Bus Crazy
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,485
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Ah, got ya! ya that should work. just make it HD enough lol
03-06-2011, 07:12 PM
Bus Crazy
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Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
welcome, good to have another canadain on board.
be nice to see your rig up and running.
04-30-2011, 09:42 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
My bus is now nome and has had the "nose" shortened prior to being made into a heavy duty hitch.
Bad weather, a cold, and a case of bronchitis held me back for a few weeks but I intend to start ripping up the floor soon and replacing it.
I've got to use the old girl for a shed first as my house is getting re-wired next year and we'll be taking it apart down to the frame inside. Lots of storage space in there, nice high ceiling.
So my partner Rick spent most of today putting in double layers of 6mil poly up for temporary windows and will do some more tomorrow.
When the house is done, then I can rebuild as I want to have my outdoor living space, leave some of the extra furniture from the house out there etc.
05-06-2011, 08:31 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Pit Stop now has some temporary plywood flooring and Rick is still working on making windows, pretty soon we'll be moving things from the house out there to be stored until the house is re-wired.
We are doing a renovation on the house as we go with the wiring, so my permanent counters and sink will be resized to fit in Pit Stop, and I found a "build your own" plan for a composting toilet.
I'll have enough old leftover insulation to insulate the old girl before we put permanent fixtures in, enough leftover kitchen tiles to go over whatever the permanent underfloor will be.
I've been sorting fabrics and planning curtains etc.
I've got a folder going with a bunch of ideas that will make Pit Stop a nice cozy space to relax in, or house a guest.
06-23-2011, 03:09 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
More pictures
Doors are stuck in that position & I've got 16 ft of living space (and a darn cold  )
06-27-2011, 02:26 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
I've even got back steps!
They went on the day Pit Stop came home and I'm growing chard in a big tote suspended across the front bit of frame that is left.
No edible flowers to pretty the old girl up, so I'm using colored chard. If the fall I'll put in some winter kale-the pretty stuff and some Sorrento Raab-which is like miniature broccoli and very tasty.
We've gradually been clearing the house and getting things stored in Pit Stop, but it will be at least a year yet before I can get the electric upgraded and put the house back together, all new wiring going in-tearing house down to frame inside--allows for some renovating at the same time--and the fixtures we don't re-use get re-fitted for Pit Stop!
Multi-tasking and recycling!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying there projects
06-27-2011, 05:26 PM
Bus Nut
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 801
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
First Class all the way!!!!!
Congrats on your bus, it's a beau!!!
Good luck on your concersion........
Roll - On...
10-30-2011, 01:32 AM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Pit Stop is now a full shed. The plastic got put in the windows so she's nice and dry.
My #2 project, a 1965 Mercedes Transporter van got a roof prop this week and a new floor a few weeks ago.
The winter is going to be spent working in the house, getting it ready for wiring and then my "girls" will get their permanent fixtures.
Pit Stop will become my private space outdoors and "Mercy" is going to be my garden shed, just have to replace a skylight and put in a window on the south side.
This is Marcel's Mercy, named for my dear departed friend Marcel who gave her to me. She doesn't run, but she's a great shed and tomato trellis. The white paint reflects heat back and ripens tomatoes wonderfully. She's a 1965 Mercedes Transporter, built in Stuttgart and traveled all over before arriving in Canada about 25 years ago.
I love her to bits, same with Pit Stop, next project---a very small camper to clean out and paint for a friend facing DIVORCE to live in. I also have a 22 ft travel trailer to be repaired and a 14 ft travel trailer frame to turn into my work trailer, so that when I get another personal sized van, I have something to haul my tools around in.
Very Busy and happy around here these days
Take Care All, sorry I haven't stopped in lately, just too darn busy + I had pneumonia for a week!
11-16-2011, 11:28 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Hi Gang,
Hope all is going well with all of your projects.
My camper project is going pretty well and our house renovation is going slowly.
Poor Pit Stop lost her temporary plastic windshield when we had a windstorm, luckily it didn't blow far away and Rick put it back in yesterday.
Next move for Pit Stop is to have her doors removed and a lengthened house door put in their place.
Next move for Mercy is a freestanding tomato trellis that doesn't lean on her roof.
I've signed up again with Help Exchange and hope to get some helpers for the garden and house so things will go faster this coming Spring. (I HOPE!)
I wish you all well with your projects and if you're in my area and break down, don't hesitate to call me for help, I'm known at our village garage and by the local towing company.
12-23-2011, 06:16 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Happy Holidays to all.
We got the doors off Pit Stop and got Mercy all cleaned out and got her roof propped up. Now I have to get my everyday driver (Dodge Caravan) fixed, needs brakes & ball joints.
Smoked Ducked For Christmas dinner and MAYBE smoked turkey for New Years
Had fish last year.
Cold here at night and looking like snow, but I'm not worried, most of my winter projects are indoors. I've got to get more cleaning done before my help exchange helpers arrive in February or March.
Take Care Everyone
01-06-2012, 11:29 PM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Re: More Pics!
Soon, I'm up to my ears in knitting projects and don't have much time for my bus these days.
I'm also planning on building a Bowtop Gypsy Vardo on my small travel trailer frame so I'm busier than a whole hive of bees.
Then there's my aggravating house renovation going on and my Mercedes van to work on too!
01-07-2012, 02:04 PM
Bus Crazy
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Engine: 350
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
hi Lois from the PQ area you sound like an islander for sure got so much to do! Plan is to move my bus to lake cowichan this year for permanent recreacional use! You will get great gas milage with the old ford!
01-24-2012, 02:23 AM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
Hi Timbuk
I'm southeast of Lake Cowichan, 26 miles North of Victoria, drop me an email when you get there and we can compare projects. Sorry to be so vague with directions, but a bunch of my public domain accounts have been hacked recently.
01-24-2012, 03:56 AM
Bus Crazy
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Oregon/Philippines
Posts: 1,660
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
ain't you rained out up there?
Jesus Christ... Conversion in progress.
02-20-2012, 01:03 AM
Almost There
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cobble Hill B.C. Canada
Posts: 74
Year: 1965
Coachwork: Ford/Willock
Chassis: Ford
Engine: Doesn't have one
Rated Cap: 16 passenger
Re: Hello, from B.C. Canada
No we haven't washed away yet, there have been breaks between rainstorms.
Good thing too as we have to dig a rather large grave  my horse has a heart murmur and has to be put down before the hot weather comes, horses with bad hearts do not do well in the heat, I speak from prior experience.
We have been busy cleaning house, then we both got severe allergy attacks when Rick brought some hay in the house to cut up so horse could chew it easier (he's missing 1/2 his teeth)
Rick's right eye blew up like George Forman had given him a punch and I've been waking up with a scratchy throat every day.
Pit Stop got the full treatment for plastic windows, pictures soon. I just have to find time to go outside.
I have to do a major housecleaning as I'm expecting company in 2 weeks. So please be patient and there will be more pictures.
I also have to get the travel trailer frame welded before I can build my Gypsy wagon and my "daily driver" still needs to go to the shop for ball joints, my pal Rob is going to do the brakes.
Timbuk--hope to hear from you When you get to Lake Cowichan and I have a piece of advice for you--boycott Cowichan Motors out there, the owner is a lying piece of manure. Get your gas at the little gas bar on the hill above the Cow Cafe`
I'll give you more advice on that town when you get here--but the best piece of advice I can give you for now is watch your back and lock down anything you don't want to walk away.
One family pretty well owns and runs that town and they are all related to the piece of manure at Cowichan Motors
Be Careful out there
PS: Here is the frame for my "Vardo" or Gypsy wagon
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