After 5 years of thinking about building a tiny home and 1 year of lurking this site I finally bought a shuttle bus Yesterday.
It's 1995 Ford E350 with a rebuilt Gas 5.8L 351 Windsor motor and an Eldorado shell with 221,334 miles.
It has a lot of miles! But really low rust. It has had an engine rebuild and regular maintenance as it has been a church bus in the south most of it's life.
I was wanting to get one with the 7.3l diesel as I understand it is the best but I found this around the corner for $2300 and I bit.
My question is how did I do!?
My plan is to live in it full time, I'm probably not going to be touring across the country but I would like it to be mobile so I can move around to wherever life takes me.
I tried searching the forum and could not find much on this engine so that worries me. I know it's not diesel but is this considered a good gas engine?
What should I look out for? As I live in Arkansas we do not have emission regulations so i was planning on removing some of that to let the engine breath a little more.
It has a slow engine leak and possibly transmission and it seems to have a high idle.
Also does anybody have an idea on expected MPG I was hoping for 10mpg not so sure anymore.
I'm a bit overwhelm and very excited.