Thanks @fo4imtippin, we really appreciate that!
We distributed the electrical components for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was space. The way we've organized things, we're keeping pretty much the whole system out of the living space. We're also hoping to minimize concentrating heat in one location, and allow space for potential system expansion. Putting so much under the dash / in the front of the bus is a pain in regards to dealing with such irregular spaces. But it does use space we couldn't use for much else, and it keeps a lot of very heavy items far forward and centered.
The pepwave is really nice, though as you mention, there are many ways to skin that same cat. The big seller for us was the automatic fail-over functionality between cell/wifi-as-wan/ethernet. Sharon's work requires uninterrupted connectivity, so the redundancy this offered was a big plus.
Radio is an ICOM IC-2730A. Pretty basic analog unit, but it has cross-band repeat capability, which could potentially be very useful for keeping us in touch on the ground in areas where public repeaters aren't easy to hit. Problem with ham is in most cases, the only people we're going to be able to reach in the immediate area is ourselves. EVERYONE has GMRS (legally or not), and with a good high-gain antenna mounted on the roof of a bus, you don't need much power to reach out via simplex a pretty darned long ways (depending on terrain). If I could only have one, it would be a good GMRS.