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Old 03-29-2016, 10:24 AM   #1
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My 2000 Chevy short bus conversion

I'm so happy I found this site!

I've got a 2000 Chevy short bus that I'm converting to a full-time (or most-time, as I've got an open invitation to live with several family members if life on the road gets to me) living/surfmobile.

The conversion will go slow because I'm broke ;)

So far I've got the seats and the floor torn out, am working on sealing up the floor, I've got the plywood cut to size, and I've got carpet and padding for the floor.

My dad works with metal, so I've got a steel frame that will go in on Saturday- I'm excited about the frame because it'll be strong enough to hang a hammock on. Eventually the plan is to hang hammocks from the frame outside the windows, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The conversion will be put on pause for the month of April when three of my friends come form overseas to go on a monthlong trip around America. They showed me their country several years ago, so now it's a chance for me to show them mine! Before they get here (9 days!) my goal is to install the frame and have four seat belts and enough room to sleep four. Wish me luck!

Anybody have a trusted seatbelt dealer? I was thinking of going on Ebay and buying the over the shoulder kind. I want everyone to be safe!

Also, any recommendations on mattresses? I was thinking a 4 inch memory foam topper would suffice.

Anyways thanks for reading, I'll post pictures soon!

Also, does anyone know which states allow yellow school buses that aren't used for the transport of children? We will likely be in San Francisco, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, and Zion's Canyon. So far it word on the street is that Arizona and Utah allow yellow school buses but I'm not sure about California (probably not) and Nevada. I'd hate to get a ticket in my broke state!

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Old 03-29-2016, 12:33 PM   #2
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Congratulation on your short bus and welcome to the madness. It sounds like you are ardently doing your research so things will probably work out well for you.

It's not good to go interstate with a yellow bus. You know yellow buses largely get ignored. I drove mine for a couple weeks without plates, not recommended. Some states have rules against yellow school buses and I wouldn't want to get stopped in any another state for needing a paint job.
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Old 03-29-2016, 06:47 PM   #3
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Think real hard about using carpet with padding if its going to be used as a surf vehicle. I can see wetness getting to the padding-and wood underneath. And for a bed, I like an air mattress. I sleep great on them-and you can set up + take down if you need to free up room.
Don't make a fuss-just get on the bus!

my bus build
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Old 03-30-2016, 10:19 AM   #4
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I will second re-thinking using carpet & padding. Really bad idea especially for a surfer rig. That padding will soak up and hold gallons of moisture just from the air and promote rust, rot, mold & mildew. Something like rubber flooring or vinyl is gonna' work best in any damp/wet environment. Plus carpet will hold even more moisture plus sand.

Just my two centavos.
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Old 03-30-2016, 11:22 AM   #5
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Love the hammocks idea!
n00b build >
Not my fault if anything I post results in someone losing a finger...
Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum
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