Originally Posted by bfuller181
Love it - I'm facing the same problem right now in my shortie. I had the same idea, but I lack the tools & know-how to reposition the mechanism like you did.
From the photo, it looks like the OP cut, shortened and re-welded the original rod. This can be done differently with fewer tools and far less skill..
#1. Piece of proper diameter round steel rod, cut to your desired length, plus about 2" from the guesstimate looks of it...
#2. Take the rod to a local machine shop, and have them cut threads in the ends about 1.25" back on each end, to match the threads on those nuts where the rod attaches. Probably cost about $5.00 per end. Of course they may want to sell you the rod as well. Ask...
If you want to do it yourself, you are going to need some tools, and supplies. They can add up, but the tools are useful elsewhere in a bus build / maintenance.
If you have a angle grinder, Harbor Freight has metal cutoff wheels for cheap for 4-1/2" grinders... And let's say the rod is 3/8". Use a 3/8 - 16 die and die holder, make absolutely certain you keep the rod lubed with thread cutting oil while you are cutting it to protect both the die and the new threads on the rod. Again Harbor Freight has tap and die sets cheap. I am NOT going to brag on their taps and dies, they work, but they don't last super long. If you just need to use them a couple of times they are great. And they DO come with a lifetime warranty...
So materials needed.
3/8" x 36" smooth steel rod.
Tap and die set.
Angle Grinder.
Metal Cut Off Wheels.
Thread cutting oil.