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Old 12-07-2018, 12:05 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 14
New Shorty

Hi fellow skoolie people!

I posted not too long ago about me potentially buying a short bus, and I pulled the trigger and made the purchase! She’s a 2007 Ford E450 power diesel shuttle bus, 5 windows.
(I put * next to questions if you’re like me and freak out when you see how much I wrote )

Since the home I was renting was foreclosed on, we had to move in immmediately, only about 3/4 converted.

The lift was removed along with the seats, floors insulated, wood framing and storage already completed for the most part. I’ve read plenty on here to know that it’s not a good idea to drill directly into the honeycomb frame material with these kind of busses but I think the guy who did the building planned on staying in dry areas like southern Cali. That being said, it’s raining for ONCE in so-cal and I have random sporadic leaks ): * Does anyone have experience with RV liquid roofing? It says it’s waterproof but does it really keep the water out? Any suggestions to help remedy my issue?

At the moment, I plan on getting a Natures Head composting toilet first, they have a solar option which is what we would ultimately opt for. I was hoping to create some kind of wet bath area for my bathroom, since space is limited. I thought about getting an RV shower, it needs to be elevated for the drain underneath, but I want to avoid emptying it into a grey water tank (I use environmentally friendly bath soap made of goats milk). The bathroom is next to the lift door, so I figured we would lead the tube out it when we want to rinse off. *Is there a way to hook up the pump to our water tank and still have a pump for the sink area connected? Or is it something that’s easily detached to one thing and hooked up to the other? What are some of the things you did for your shower area? Any tips or pointers? After, we are getting a gas generator to power our tools/ have a back up if our solar doesn’t charge enough.

The solar in general, however, I do have a few questions about..
- What are the most power efficient, easy to install solar panels?
- What is the process of installing solar panels?
- I’m concerned about potential roof leaks, have you found that certain solar mounts are more prone to leaks than others?
- How many solar panels have you found work best for a shorty bus lifestyle?
- Should I consider having a backup solar panel that’s not attached to the roof so I can put it in the sun if we’re parked under trees?
- Any advice for a solar panel novice? It would really be appreciated!!

I’m shopping around currently, *laws in California state I need my stove and sink installed before they can insure my skoolie* so that’s definitely up there on the list considering we don’t have a physical address.

I’ve found a chest style fridge that runs on a 12v battery and can customize it to have either the big or small side as your fridge/freezer. I intend on installing a propane oven, a tad bigger than an RV oven/range, 3 burners. The sink a simple, two basin, miniature metal sink. I did some research and I think a 15g fresh water and 15g grey water will be plenty for us, I planned on having the propane and my plumbing under the counter together, Im not sure if I’m going to blow anything up or not by doing so! I know they make propane holders and I planned on it being secure so please advise me if I should do otherwise! I would really appreciate it!

Any and all replies are truly appreciated, Ive been catuplulted into this lifestyle out of no where, it was always a dream of mine but never did I think it would happen this soon!
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Happycamperhealing is offline   Reply With Quote

beginners, kitchen, short, shower, solar

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