Re: DIY Solar Panels
Ok, this sounds entirely intriguing. I would love to outfit the bus for total power without being 'plugged in' anywhere. Of course this being for future travel, but as someone in another post stated : Redundancy..for the 'impending' apocalypse..blah, blah, blah. I'd love to have heated water, and power all my appliances with just solar or a wood fireplace (of which i already have). We're planning on a generator eventually. With hurricanes an issue here, they can lose power down here for 2 weeks at the drop of a hat. I was at work last week (i work in the ICU @ the hospital in Key West), the power for the WHOLE place went down for 1/2 the day! Of course, generator kicked in but it was still weird! I bagged a patient with an ambu bag for 10 mins before the generator kicked in...never did that before!
So, my question I guess: do you have the dual appliances (electric/gas) and it switches to gen power when you can't plug in? OR do the solar panels charge batteries that in turn run the appliances on electric? also, water heater? same concept?
Right now this bus plugs in to standard 30 or 50 amps like at a campground.. i'd like to plan to switch to alternative power in the future.. we're also considering going biodiesel/wvo. We are totally looking to make this a full time liveaboard..