Converting a bus into a tiny house on wheels has been a dream of mine since I knew what tiny houses were. I've read every page of "Hank bought a Bus," perused YouTube videos of countless conversion projects, and at one point even purchasing a 28ft trailer in a spur of the moment decision, one I was less than happy with, but I was living pay check to pay check, so I didn't have money for much else.
Then back in July my uncle passed away from lung cancer. Turns out he had an insurance policy naming me as the only beneficiary. I immediately paid off all my debt, gave away the trailer, and started looking for a bus. After an exhaustive search through Craigslist, Uncle Henry's, local RV places, a bus salesman, and eBay, I finally found the right one.
She's a 1977, AMG, EQ-2. Basically she's the bus that comes and rescues people in California when there's an earthquake and she's only got 52,000 miles on her. The guy I bought her from and one of his friends drove her 3,000 some odd miles from Arizona to Maine.
She got here this Friday and she's beautiful!
Very little's been done except she's been moved. I plan on taking out the cots and maybe the back set of seats today. Regular seats are going to need to be ground off as they're encased in a riveted, chrome bottom (probably with bolts underneath). I'm hoping to clean her all out by the end of next weekend. Somehow in the three days she's been here my father's broken and fixed the front door and the bus has officially died. Charged it for an hour this morning, but I think our 28 degrees we had last night officially murdered the Arizona batteries. Had to buy new ones anyway, so it's not entirely a big deal, just frustrating.
Ah, the trials of bus ownership.