Originally Posted by vintageracer
Funny you say earthquake.
The engineer said maybe if you had repeated earthquakes in the area over a long period of time on that stationary bus.
Well than the engineer is a little bit reasonable.
Races and ball or rollers will flat spot if vibration or enough compression force is applied to pass through the elasticity cycle of the metal.
There is a term people don’t associate with metal. Elasticity
https://www.google.com.au/search?source=hp&ei=9DyBXK7yGcjLjwTf0YIQ&q=elastic ity&oq=elactisi&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.1.0.0i10l5.1687.9876..11141...0.0..0.243.783.7j 0j1......0....1.......4..41j0i131j0j46i131j46.BbTp xI6U9mM